Chapter 18

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Scarlett's P.O.V

I looked at her puzzled. Why would Michael ask about me?

"What did he say?" I asked my own voice shaking slightly.

"He said Ashton was having a hard time on his own and that he missed you. Also Ash hasn't acted the same since he's been around you. He almost begged for you and Ashton to meet again." She said then sat down on my bed. She lightly brushed some hair out of her face then looked up at me.

"We hardly knew each other though..." I whispered.

"I told him that. Then Michael said he thought that too. That Ashton has never acted this way around a girl. Love at first sight." Courtney said.

It confused me why he would say that. Not just 2 hours ago Ashton was saying I was no one important. Me and Courtney talked a bit more. Then eventually it was 2 A.M and we both got ready for bed.

-Few Days Later-

Instead of heading out for the city, I ended up heading to a camp ground. Today Courtney started her first job. She was now a hairstylist for a company called Clips. She's a damn good hairstylist to...

After I finished packing a backpack I was going to take, I got out of my car and made way to the hike I was going to go on. I descended down to trail five then it took about and hour for me to get to a beautiful area. There was a stream and the trees blew every time the wind picked up, which there was hardly any wind. I put my backpack down. Then sat down on the grass while I tucked my knees up so I was cradling my legs. It was so peaceful...

I woke up to loud voices. Did I fall asleep? I must've because my hair was tangled up and my head was rested against a rock.

"Michael don't do that!!" An Aussie accent said. After that a childish laughter rang through the forest. A huge rock was thrown in front of me causing a splash. Water flew and got my jacket wet that was sitting close to the edge.

"Oh shit." Someone mumbled from behind. I quickly got up and faced the people who had got my stuff wet. Staring back at me was the one and only 5 Seconds Of Summer. It seems my whole life is actually a dream. Either that or they stalk me all all the time.... Which is not the case at all.

They started laughing once they saw my face.

"What's so funny huh??" I asked in a rude tune.

"Sorry Juliet but the look on your face was priceless..." Michael said while chuckling a bit.

They kept laughing and then I started laughing as well. Even though this wasn't funny....

"Here, take my jacket." Calum said before he took his hoodie off and gave it to me. I lightly put it over my head then stuffed the other jacket into my backpack.

"We're going to beat him up later for being so romantic." Ashton whispered in my ear as he laughed lightly. To be honest, they looked good. They were all wearing either hoodies or tank tops. Their hair looked perfect, like always. Lastly of course they were wearing skinny jeans.

"So why are you guys here?" I asked before putting my bag on my back.

"To finally get out of the house. It took me forever to get them out." Luke murmured while gesturing to the other guys. They all started arguing with each other....

"Well I'm going ba-"

"Wait Juliet." Ashton said while grabbing my arm before I could walk away.

"Care to join us?" He asked sweetly. I looked at them all. Then gave him a short nod yes. We started walking the rest of the trail, the guys making weird jokes as we were walking. I eventually fell behind because I am a slow walker.

Ashton, Mike, Luke and Cal were all in front of me. Until Ashton slightly turned his head so he could look back. After he saw me far back he stopped and turned around. The other boys kept walking and I caught up to Ash.

"Sorry I'm slow..." I said with a small laugh.

"No it's fine. We just don't like hikes that much.... We try to get through them quickly." He said and put his hands in his pockets.

"Then why did you come?"

"Management probably. It gives something for the paps." Ash said before it got quiet. So their management makes them do things? They weren't as famous when I saw them in Miami I guess.

"Anyway, hows your new home going along?" He asked then looked at me.

"It's kinda messy thanks to Courtney, but it's going great I guess." I said with a smile. Then I looked back at him.

"How's your break? Writing new songs and such?" I asked and we kept walking down the long trail.

"We actually finished a new song yesterday, we can play it for you sometime." He offered and kept his gaze on me.

"That would be great." I said. Ashton then looked in front of us.

"Oh shit." He muttered. I was about to ask what but then I looked up as well and realized. Where were the other guys?

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