Chapter 13

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When the taxi finally arrived at the flat it had taken at least 1 hour. We drove through the city and it was very different from America. The very first thing I realized was how the people drove. They drove on the right while we drove on left which was very confusing. We passed a few small houses and wound up in a friendly looking neighborhood. Children played and laughed as their parents worked.

When I finally stepped out of the taxi and payed him, I realized how warm it was. We were definitely not in Miami anymore. My luggage was set up and ready so I took it inside our new home. It was furnished with what looked like brand new furniture. A tv hung from the wall. Everything was set up. All I needed to do was chose a room. I climbed the some what long staircase till I reached the top and looked down the hallway.

Far enough down I could just make a room out. My feet led me to it until I was at the door. I twisted the knob, and to my surprise, the room was beautiful. The walls were white and perfect for the many posters I had. A bed was already set in the middle. There was a bathroom with a walk in closet. Lastly next to the bathroom was a window.

I curiously walked towards it. Not exactly a view I was hoping for. I sighed as I saw it only showed another house, a window facing mine. It was close enough that I could look inside. So I took a peek and really all I could see was a kind of brick room. With a messy bed in the middle and clothes everywhere. There was also a drum set somewhere in the corner.

I walked away from the window and went down the stairs to find Courtney already sitting on the couch watching tv.

"We just got here! Don't you want to explore?" I asked Courtney while plopping down next to her. She just shook her head and kept watching what looked like Breaking Bad.

"Well I'm going out to explore!" I yelled and headed for the door. It swiftly opened and I stepped out.

"Don't get raped." Was the last thing I heard before shutting it. A soft smile played at my lips. She was like no one else I knew. I walked down the driveway and onto the sidewalk till I heard someone yell.

"Hey give me that." A girl screamed from the house next door.

A younger boy was out also and was teasing the girl.

"What are you going to do about it?" The younger boy teased with a smirk on his face.

"This!" She said and kicked him hard on the foot. The boy yelped and the ball was tossed in the air, flying my direction. I caught it and laughed a little.

"Who are you?" The girl asked and stared at me.

"I just moved in the house right there." I said pointing to the one next to theirs.

"Well my names Lauren and this my brother Harry." She pointed gesturing to the younger boy who was standing beside her. They looked very familiar...

"What's your name?" Harry asked me while rubbing the place his sister kicked him.

"My names Scarlett." I told them and smiled.

"Do you want to play ball with us"? Harry asked and grinned wide.

That's basically how I spent my day. Kicking a ball around with Lauren and Harry. I found out a few things. Harry was 10 and Lauren was 13. They had an older brother. Some basic things like what their favorite food was and what their favorite color was.

After about 2 hours or so I decided I would come back inside. It was nice to feel like a kid again. I smiled and took off my shoes. When I walked inside Courtney had the phone up to her face. She was ordering pizza. If you didn't know yet Courtney is basically in love with pizza. If it was possible she would probably marry it.

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