Chapter 8

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Hey guys. New chapter up today... Watching Teen Wolf because wolves are cool af. (Also so I could see Dylan O'Sexyfaces face) WELL ONTO THE CHAPTER.~ Emilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

One last thing, feel free to follow me on twitter. I give out spoilers and things so yeah. :) @Ashquin5SOS


Scarlett's P.O.V

Do you ever have those times when you know you fucked up? The moment when you know you could've been better or you know you should've done something differently? Well that's how I'm feeling right now.

I woke up on my soft comfy bed. How did I get in my bed? I asked myself but shook it off quickly as I saw a note on my dresser mirror. I got up and walked over to the mirror while putting my glasses on. I could see fine without them but it was kinda blurry when I read.

I had an amazing weekend with you. See you soon love. Xx


I smiled wide but it faded. They had to leave soon. Yeah I'll see them this week... But after this will they even remember me? Sadness washed over me. They will grow up and be known all over the world. 5sos... They won't be my little secret anymore. I put my hands up near my face and wiped away a few tears. I'm an emotional wreck all the time, how does anyone put up with me? Suddenly there was a ring in my back pocket and I realize I had gotten a text.

Ash: Just got to the hotel! Maybe I can come hang over sometime this week? Doing a twitcam tonight. Tune in? :) xx

I replied quickly.

Scarlett: Of course! I'll be watching. x

A twitcam ay? Sounds like a fun night.

- About 6 hours later (35 mins before twitcam) -

I invited Courtney over so we could watch the twitcam together. Earlier I went out and got pizzas and some ice cream. I cant remember the last time I had something to eat.

"Our boys are going live in 30!" I heard Courtney scream and I found myself running to get everything together. Throwing things onto a random plate I ran upstairs and set my plate on the ground. I sat myself next to Courtney and saw she as well had her laptop on next to mine.

@5SOS: Twitcam starts in 20 minutes!! #5SOSTwitCam

I tweeted a selfie of me and Courtney whilst stuffing my face with pizza. I didn't bother getting comfy yet considering these things were always 20 minutes late. A few minutes later my phone went off.

"Hey Ash." I said while smiling.

"Hiya Scarlett." I heard him say with a giggle.

"Whatever you do don't look outside your window." He whispered. I raised my eyebrow. My curiosity got the best of me and I looked outside. There they all stood, in my driveway with a bag in each of their hands and Luke had a laptop. Lil shits. I opened the window.

"What the hell are you guys doing." I whisper yelled at them. It was about 9:00 where I lived. Courtney walked up so she could see out and her eyes widened.

"We decided to bring the twitcam to you guys. Sleep over?" Calum said with a smirk on his face. I shut the window and jogged down the stairs. The door was already open and they were setting up their twitcam things.

"Sorry we came kinda unnoticed. We all really wanted to hang out with you and Courtney." Ashton said and hugged me. The others hugged Courtney and I as well and continued getting ready. They had a camera set up on my coffee table so it was pointed directly at them. I took a picture of them and put it on twitter.

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