Chapter 9

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Scarlett's P.O.V

I settled down after the whole Luke thing. It was so embarrassing. He knew my secret and I couldn't do anything about it. I looked down in shame.

"Scar you have to promise me you won't do anything like that again." He told me. I looked at him for a second before nodding. He smiled a small sad smile and gave me another hug.

"Let's get you cleaned up. Yeah?" he said and perched up. Luke then opened my drawer where I had my first aid. He wrapped up my arm and wrists. I started to get up but then he sat me back down. Luke stood up, leaned over gently and kissed my scars. For a second my eyes went wide.

"Now our promise is sealed." He said with a small smile again. I just starred at him for a few seconds. This boy was truly a god. Not only that but a hero.

I took Luke's outstretched hand and we both got up. I dusted myself off and opened the door. The cold air hit me immediately. The bathroom was the warmest room in the house, not so much for everything else though. We walked back to the group. Not saying a word. We sometimes would bump into each others shoulders, which I would always say sorry to.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Ashton asked, I assumed the rest wanted to know considering their confused faces.

"I showed him to the uh restroom, he got lost." I said with a fake smile. I could see Luke was also faking one.

"Well we just finished the twitcam." Michael said and got up to raid my kitchen. Courtney following considering the two were food pigs.

"What do you want to do now?" Luke asked while taking a seat next to Calum.

"Truth or dare!" I heard Courtney say loudly from the kitchen. The guys shook their heads and we all approved. Looks like we are doing a game of truth or dare.

-A little while later-

"Calum truth or dare?" Luke asked while he put a chip inside of his mouth.

"Dare." Calum said with a smirk on his face.

"I dare you, to randomly call someone off of twitter, and ask her out on a date." Luke said, smirking as he set another chip in his mouth.

"A dare is a dare." Cal said and took out his phone.


Calum's P.O.V

I found a girl with a cute username. I'm guessing she was an Ashton girl considering it was @Ashquin5SOS. Her number was actually at the top of her tweets. I decided to dial it. The ringer rang 3 times before a heard something.

The voice of an angel... I'm not even joking. This girl had the voice of silk.

"Hello?" She asked. She sounded bored, like all she had done that day was eat and sit on twitter.

"Uh hi." I attempted to say in the nerdiest voice I could pull off.

"Who is this." She asked. Her voice a little annoyed this time.

"It's Cal- I mean Cameron. I sit behind you in Algebra 2" I said. Honestly it was hard keeping up with this nerd act as she talked to me. It was quite embarrassing.

"I'm not in Algebra 2..." Her voice said. A little creeped out.

"Anyway, I saw you walk past the room. I have to ask... are you an angel." I said into the phone. The other guys were rolling on the ground from laughing too much. My cheeks went red, if that's even possible.

"Really because last time I checked I was homeschooled. Now are you going to tell me who you really are." She said annoyed.

I sighed. This little prank was over.

"It's Calum Hood love." I said. It was quiet for a minute.

"Are you joking? I'm literally on the verge of tears. Please tell me you're not joking." The angelic voice said to me. I ended the call for a quick second before pressing the FaceTime button. She answered immediately.

One word. One word described the girl front of me.

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful

Her makeup was smeared everywhere and I could see this huge priceless grin on her face.

"It's really you." She said and started to cry again.

"Hey love." I said to her and smiled.

"Hey Cal, you guys don't know how much you've saved me. Thank you." She said quickly. She sniffed and smiled.

"Actually thank you babe. Without you we wouldn't be here." I told her and we had a chat for 5 minutes. She was really cool and treated me as if I was a normal person. I loved that.

"What's your name?" I asked her suddenly. I can't believe I didn't ask her before now.

"Emily, Emily Rose." She said. Emily Rose, I like that.

"Well Emily I have to go. Maybe we can talk at another time?"

"Yeah! One last thing though. I saw one of your friends Scarlett is getting hate on twitter. Can you tell her she is beautiful for me?" She asked and I nodded. I ended the call and the guys were eating pizza around in a circle.

"Now we can continue." I said. They all nodded quickly before putting their plates down.


Scarlett's P.O.V

The game of truth or dare continued. Most went by in a blur until I heard my name being repeated. I looked up to see who was saying my name and found it was Michael.

"Scarletttt." Michael pouted for the fiftieth time.

"What Michael." I said. The others were looking at me as well.

"Dare or dare." He asked.

"Wait what that's not fair." I told him. The others got to chose. I guess this is Michaels truth or dare.

"Ok I dare you to-." He stopped before a saw Calum go down and whisper something in his ear. Michaels smile was then turned into one of excitement and thrill. What were they talking about?

"I dare you, Scarlett, to kiss Ashton Fletcher Irwin on the lips."


Sorry this was short and boring :). I wrote this in school and I am publishing it when I get home so there should be one out tonight!!~Emily

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