Chapter 21

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(This is a deep chapter, read at your own risk and please no judging. Thank you <3~Em)

Scarlett's P.O.V

My heart pounded quick in my chest. The sound of him saying my name was like poison to my ears. My vision got blurry as even more tears poured out of my eyes.

"No no no, please no." I whimpered out, my voice hoarse and shaky. I slammed the door. My body reacted on its own and slid to the floor. The voices came back, throwing around the same insults into my head. This time I couldn't stop myself. I raced upstairs to my room and into the bathroom. The razor stood near my bathtub. I took it and made it so the blade was all that was left.

I think you could guess what happened next.

My eyes traveled up my arms and legs slowly. My vision was blurry and I could barely hear. When I looked at my left arm there was a huge gash, still continuing to bleed. I gasped as I realized I had cut too deep. Was I going to die like this? Would anyone miss me? Would Ashton miss me? I didn't even get to say bye to Courtney. My eyes got heavy, as if they were tied down by weights. I slowly closed them preparing for the worst.

"Damn it Scarlett!" Someone yelled before I opened my eyes. Luke stood in front of my bathroom door, his eyes red and puffy. He bent down and took off his jacket. He tied it around my thighs. Then he started taking off his shirt and wrapped it around my arm, stopping the blood from getting onto anything.

Before I knew it I was in his arms and out the door. We were almost to his car before he tripped and we both went to the ground. Luke looked at me with teary eyes.

"Luke, if I die here, tell Courtney goodbye for me." I whispered and slowly fell into the darkness.

Luke's P.O.V

"Scarlett!! Don't close your eyes! Please stay awake." I yelled at her, it was too late though. She had already closed her eyes and her lips were slightly parted.

"Scarlett!" I yelled at her for the 10th time. No, I just found her again! When I felt Scars pulse it was faint but there was still hope she would be ok.

"What's going on out here?" Someone shouted. I looked up to see all the guys walking out of Ashton's house. Then Courtney also came out as she heard all the yelling.

"Call an ambulance! Scarlett is hurt!" I yelled at them. Courtney ran up next to me and kneeled down. Once she saw the blood seeping through my shirt she flipped.

"Scarlett!! Wake up Scar!!" She yelled and shook Scarlett. I saw Michael on his phone probably calling the police. The rest of it was a blur, Courtney was balling and Michael was there to hug her. No sight of Ashton and Calum sat on the ground, I couldn't see much of his face but I could tell he was shocked and scared. Eventually the ambulance came, and Scar was taken away.

Ashton's P.O.V

I clutched the phone, my hand shaking of rage. I could barely hold it in, and that's when she picked up.
"Hey As-"

"You bitch! You said you knew where Scarlett was! You said if I made Juliet angry at me then you would tell me where she was! I brought my cousin over and everything! Back stabbing bitch. You knew it was her the whole time." I yelled into the phone.

"Don't act like you didn't. Somewhere deep down you knew Juliet was Scarlett. Don't lie to yourself baby."

"Don't fucking call me that ever again."

"Oh Ashton, you never learn. Why do you even like someone you hardly know?"

"I do know her. I knew her before she even knew me. You don't understand anything. You never will." My finger hit the end call button and then I threw the phone at the wall, it shattering into pieces. I grabbed my jacket and made my way to the hospital.

Sooooo a lot happened in this chapter. A bit of a plot twist too. Like who was the girl on the phone? Ashton said he knew Scarlett before she knew him? What?? I cried writing this.... I hope you enjoyed . ~Em

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