Chapter 3

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Oh god sorry guys I didn't think any of you liked my terrible story but ok here I am writing my 3/4 chapter tonight... Love you guys!!!! ~Em

I dropped my phone on the ground and put my hand over my mouth. I stifled a scream and my head was pounding. How could two of the guys notice me in one day? They couldn't have just noticed me out of millions of fans. Maybe it was fate. They could've just looked through their notifications right as I tweeted? I don't know but all I know is that today has been crazy.

"Earth to Scarlett!!" Courtney said to me, waving her soft hand in front of my face.

"But but but... Michael tweeted and followed me!" I screamed and started running around my room, jumping up when there was an object in my way.

"I know and you'll DM him later for me but we have to go! You spaced out for a good 5 minutes!" I looked up at the time to find it was around 5:30.

My eyes went wide and I ran over to where my purse was and grabbed my phone. We both ran out the door into my old car and started rushing since the place was 20 minutes away and we would only have 5 mins to get our seats.

While driving I sent a tweet of our outfits, not to someone in particular and shut my phone off. I looked over at Courtney to see her hands shaking and that's when I noticed how excited we both were. I looked down and noticed that my petite hands were too shaking on the wheel and in my lap. I heard a phone unlock and then a video start to play. I quickly glanced at my friends phone to see a video of guess who? My idols.

Host: Who would be the person out of the band to date a fan?

The boys look at each other before holding up all of their faces on a sign.

Michael: I think we would all date a fan. I mean they're just normal people right?

I smiled and kept driving. I looked down int my lap again to see my hand wasn't shaking anymore and a few strands of hair fell in front of my face soon enough we pulled up into the place where the concert was being held. I opened the door and got out quickly. The sun was setting and everything felt so right in the world. Courtney and I kept walking till we caught up to where we gave the ticket taker our tickets and finally got into where the concert was being held. I looked down at my watch and realized we got there a little early and it was actually 10 minutes till the concert started.

"Frick!" I said out loud.

"What's wrong Scar?" She laughed and then realized when I started doing the pee dance.

"Go to the bathroom then!! I'll find our seats." She said while coughing because of laughing too hard.

I quickly nodded and then started my way to the restroom. Where was it?? I turned the corner a few times and went down a corridor. I was officially lost. Great. From a distance I could see the restroom sign and I started walking quickly over to it not wasting any time. Then I heard this really strange noise.


My instincts told me the thing that made the noise was chasing me so I ran. I could see the bathroom right ahead and finally I was about to reach the door.

"Luke no!!" I heard and suddenly a body was collided with mine and I hit the ground. And may I say hard.

"What the fuck Luke!" I heard someone scream. My vision was blurry and I couldn't move. My body was numb. My eyes wouldn't open either. It was like I was awake but not.

"Oh my god. What did I just do?" I heard an Australian accent say right next to me. I felt the body start to get up and then stop.

"Is she dead?!!!?" The person said in a frightened tone and got up quickly.

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