Chapter 40

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Hey guys. I have a question for you :) what is your favorite 5sos song and why? yay! Chapter 40 :) -Em


It was warmer up near the street, but there was hardly anyone around. Just a few empty cars and a street lamp. My flip flops still had sand on them which stung my feet.

A car sped past, almost crashing into the only source of light there was. It wasn't a surprise though, the only people awake right now would be drunks. While silently cursing to myself, I headed for a motel a few yards away. The sign was visible, except for a letter missing. It read Motel 4.

At least it didn't look too creepy. Nothing like Bates motel. Yet the outside still revealed the same old style every motel had. The parking lot was deserted except for 5 cars sprawled out across. I spotted an older man, he was smoking outside of room number 18. He looked my direction, scanning me up and down. I quickly covered my chest once I realized I was still in my bathing suit.

"U-uh excuse me. I'm in a bit of a knot. My car won't start and I need a jump start..."

I said slowly while stopping a few feet away from the man. Up closer you could see his features. Wrinkly skin that hung off of the bone, and bags under his already drooping eyes. Maybe I should ask someone else...

"I can help you. Hold on a second young lady." He said in a thick Australian accent before retreating back into his room. I stood outside for a minute before his door opened once again.

"You can step inside for a second if you want. It's freezing out here." He offered opening the door a tad. His body said come in but his eyes held something, deeper.

"I don't mind standing out here, actually I think I saw a gas station on my way up, I'll just st-" I stumbled back as the older man lunged at me. His bony hand grabbed my wrist and pulled my forward.

"Wha- what are you doing let go."

I pulled back but he kept his fingers secure, and then wrapped them tighter.

"Dammit! I said let go!" I screamed at him. My heart started beating fast, and the adrenaline started building up in my system. I looked up in his eyes to see what I expected. He was 100% a pedophile, should've known. My mind completely shut down. The man started tugging harder, causing my feet to give way.

"Hey pervert, let go of the girl."

Our heads snapped in the direction the voice came from. His face was covered by the shadows. Then he took a step forward, and soon you could make out the features on his face. Tears started running down my face once I saw who it was. Why the hell was Zach here?
"Do I have to ask again?" He asked while stepping forward again. The mans grip loosened, and he sneered at us both before retreating into his room.

"You know I could've handled that myself." I said while wiping the left over tears from my face.

"Yeah and I would've left you to do it, but something was screaming Zach! Zach! Help the damsel in distress." He snickered. Then took off his sweatshirt before throwing it in my direction. I quickly put it on.

"Thanks, why are you out here anyways?" I asked why pulling the jacket over my head.

"Just about to ask you the same thing." He walked over and pulled a packet of cigarettes out from the jacket he gave me. Then lit it and stuck it in between his teeth.

"My car won't start at the beach, Courtney's in the back sleeping and I thought that old fart would help me jump start it." We started to walk away from room number 18.

"I was out to visit family. Took a taxi up here yesterday. If you want, I know how to fix a car." He gave me a smile before pulling his cigarette out of his mouth and blowing out a puff of smoke. I coughed as the smoke filled the air in front of me.

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