Chapter 29

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Scarlett's P.O.V

I gave Ashton a wide smile and shook my head up and down.

"Of course." I said to him. Almost everyone in the room cheered. Ashton gave me a tight hug, as if he never wanted to let go. I took in his scent, it was fresh and sweet. It definitely suited him.

"I signed you out, we're ready when you are." Ash whispered. I nodded again and turned to everyone else.

"We should get out of here... Maybe stop at a Nando's. I'm so hungry." I said with a small laugh. Calum walked over and grabbed my bag. I tried to deny his nice gesture but he wouldn't budge so I just let him take it. We all headed towards to front door to leave. We passed the bitchy nurse and Ashton flipped her off, sadly she didn't see. Finally it was time to leave, we were going home.

-In the car-

"Michael scoot your ass over!"

"You're the one taking up all the room!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are.."

"Shut the fuck up Luke! No one asked for your opinion!"

"Everyone just be quiet!" Courtney yelled shutting Calum, Luke and Michael up. I giggled at their expressions.

"This isn't funny, Scar. Michael's a fat ass."

"Calum, sock it."

"Just stop fighting we're almost there!" Ashton yelled from the front seat.

"Jeez, someone's on their man period." Michael whispered and the backseat erupted in fits of laughter. Sitting in a car with 18,19 and 20 year olds, or sitting in a car with 4 year olds? The world may never know.

"I'm hungry..." Luke murmured.

"We're almost there." Ashton said with a sigh. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel. How does he drive these 3 dorks around everywhere? I laughed at myself which caused a few groans from the back seat.

"I've only been with you guys for 10 minutes so far and you're already acting like dicks." I muttered. Calum laughed and Luke scooted around in his seat. Michael leaned up to where I was sitting.

"We act like dicks when we're hungry. For some reason our stomachs take over." Michael sighed. Then he sat back down.

"Feed me." He said in a funny voice and pointed at his stomach.

"Soon, calm your shit down." He whispered. The car once again erupted in laughs. Well, Michael is Michael I guess.

"Uhhhh." Michael groaned.

"Be careful Michael that could be a turn on." Calum said as he nudged Courtney. Her face heated up and she looked away. Not much happened as we headed the rest of the way to Nando's, except for Michael's random moans here and there. I couldn't help notice Luke typing away on his phone as I looked at him through the mirror. He seemed mad as he quickly glided his fingers along the keyboard, his face scrunched up. Same for Calum, except he was calmer.

"We're here." Ashton muttered as he opened his car door. Michael and Luke cheered as me and Courtney looked at each other. She smiled at me and nodded her head at Ashton. I nodded and nodded my head at Michael. She rolled her eyes which caused me to laugh.

"Are you guys coming?" Calum yelled, as he held the door open for us. We both nodded and got out of the car. I'll have to talk to Courtney later about Michael. Who knows, they could've done the dirty in 2 weeks time.

Yeah because she's slutty that way.

I stopped at the sudden voice. It was unfamiliar but I felt like I've heard it. Somewhere maybe in a dream. I decided to ignore it and walk inside in front of Calum. He grinned at something on his phone and kept walking. Were they always this secretive before?

The waiter led us to our table. As we walked I admired the place. Back home there was only one Nando's in the whole entire Country, that was in Washington DC. We never had enough money to venture that far from my home state though. The place was beautiful, little lights hung on the ceiling. The walls were a dark orange color, which suited the restaurant. It was really homey...

We finally reached our seats and I somehow managed to be squeezed between Luke and Calum. Ashton sat across from me, Michael on his left and Courtney on his right. I bet if Michael had his way, he would be sitting next to Courtney. I pulled out my phone and decided to text her. When I turned it on I saw that she already texted me.

Beyonce: Someone's getting cosy.. ;)

Me: Actually this spot is really comfy. On the other hand you don't look too happy to be sitting next to Mr. Muscles.

Beyonce: He smells

Me: Like roses <3

Beyonce: He smells like he's being working out. I wonder who for...

Me: I bet Michael smells like pizza.

Beyonce: He does x)

Me: and how would you know?

Beyonce: Don't change the subject. Btw I meant to say this earlier but I thought it would've been better if I just texted you it.

Me: What? .-.


Me: kys

Beyonce: that's not very nice...

Me: idiot


Me: why are we even friends?

Our food came and I set my phone on the table. Everyone else had been on theirs too, probably either making a keek or tweeting.

"So we have a few questions to ask you...'' Calum said as he stuffed his face with chicken.

"Yeah?" I replied and took a sip of my lemonade. I wasn't allowed to drink pop, which sucked.

"First, why didn't you tell us you were moving to Australia?"

"I didn't think you guys cared about me anymore honestly... Things were falling apart." I responded with a sigh. They frowned and started eating in silence. That was until Luke piped up.

"Things were falling apart?" He asked.

"People started turning on me in school. Courtney tried to help, but they wouldn't stop. I graduated this year so. It's all good but my mom-" I gasped as I remembered my mom. I wonder what she would say if she saw me now.

She would call you an abomination of a daughter.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek but I wiped it away quickly.

"I'm going to the bathroom..." I said before getting up and rushing to the restroom. I pushed it open and shut it. Thank god this was a family restroom.

"Keep your cool Scar. You're over it." I whispered to myself.

You were a terrible daughter. I bet she never loved you.

"Shut up..."

She probably committed so she wouldn't hav-

"Shut up!"

Knock knock

"Scarlett?" Someone shouted from behind the door.

"Here..." I said and opened the door. Someone came in and closed it before sitting down and turning to me.

"Calum..." I muttered before leaning into him. He put his arm around my shoulder, then kissed my forehead. I didn't see him as a friend but a brother. I'm sure he saw me as a sister too...

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. I just needed to calm down for a sec."

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but know I'm always here for you. Okay?" He silently said and kissed my forehead for a second time before getting up. I plan on telling him, but not today.

Cal held out his hand and helped me up. We both walked out, then back to our table.

"Sorry guys. I'm good." I said with a laugh. They nodded and kept eating their almost finished food. Where were these voices coming from...

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