Chapter 26

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Ashton's P.O.V

"You're saying she talked to you?" The nurse asked. I nodded my head at her. My hand was still in Scarlett's hand. I won't let go until she opens those beautiful eyes. The guys and Courtney were still of their way. The nurse looked down at our hands and sighed.

"So she's fine right." I said and looked up to the nurse. Like always she was scribbling down nonsense on her notepad.

"You tell me, Mr. Irwin." She snapped. Geez what's her problem.

"We've tried everything on this girl. You just come in and right away she's fine. I'm just, very confused." She said before sighing again.

"But it's a good thing, right? Shouldn't you be relieved your patient is ok?"

"We had a patient like this 6 years ago. She behaved the same way, when her father who was in the army at the time came and visited her, she responded very well. Actually 3 days after signs she woke up after being hospitalized for 3 weeks. The girl lost a part of herself though. When she woke, she almost had an anger towards everyone. Especially towards her father. We've had 3 other cases exactly like this."

I put my head down. Scarlett isn't like that though. She would never hate me or anyone of her friends. Fuck that. Fuck this hospital for making up ugly lies. This is bull shit.

"She wouldn't do that. Not to us anyway."

"We'll see about that in 3 days. It's passed visiting hours. Do you want me to call security again?" She asked. I just shook my head. I wonder why she hasn't been fired for that shitty attitude.

"Give me a moment and I'll be out of here." I told her and she just left without a word. She really is bitchy at times.

"Hey Scarlett. I want you to remember me and the guys and what we stand for. We love you. Keep fighting." I said before letting go of her hand. I started to get up and leave but then I heard the heart monitor going off. It started climbing at an extreme rate. I panicked and ran back over to the seat while taking her hand once again. The heart monitor went back to being steady.

She can tell I'm with her? Is she awake?

"Scarlett?" I asked and she squeezed my hand. I smiled and laughed a little.

"I missed you..." She squeezed my hand again. I looked up at her angelic face and moved a piece of hair out of her face.

"How about this. Two squeezes is yes and one squeeze is no." I said and laughed a little on how cheesy I am. She squeezed my hand twice.

"Have you been awake this whole time." She squeezed my hand once.

"How long have you been awake?" She squeezed my hand 3 times. 3 days? 3 hours?

"Are you ok?" I asked. She didn't respond and I got kind of worried. Then she squeezed my hand once.

"Is there a way I can get those beautiful eyes open?" She squeezed my hand 2 times. Wait what? I could wake her up officially? After 2 weeks of waiting I could just wake her up right now?

"How?" I asked and then she lifted my wrist up with her hand. She hardly moved her hand but I realized she was pointing at her lips.

"I just have to kiss you... That's so cliche." I told her with a laugh. She didn't respond. My hands left her hands and I sat up. I gently leaned over her and up to her face. She looked so peaceful... We needed her back though. I lowered my lips just above hers. Then I kissed her.

Scarlett's P.O.V

As I felt my body erode in fireworks I smiled. He did it. My little hero. All of my body started to glow I felt warm again. The dress I had on previously changed to a white dress entirely. Then everything else changed. The granite ground I was previously on changed to a grassy field of flowers and more. There was no darkness anymore. A blue sky replaced that. I felt my lips. They were still warm.

I closed my eyes. I'm prepared to leave. I'm prepared to wake up for good and see everyone I missed. My hands started to become transparent. I didn't freak out knowing this means I'm leaving. I closed my eyes and got ready to come back... I could feel it. The warmth of everything and the sounds. I'm finally going ba-

My hair was tugged back. I yelled in surprise. This feels so real. I looked up to find I was still in the grassy area. Except this time there was another me. She wore a black dress. Her hair was black also and it covered her face. All I could see was her eyes. They were a crimson color. I was about to ask her who she was but before I could she screamed and jumped on top of me.
I gasped in surprise. She grabbed my wrist and took out a knife. Before I knew it she was writing something. I yelled out in pain as her knife touched my skin. It burned my wrist as if the blade was caught on fire. She jumped off after she was done. Then she smiled at me, it was big and demonic looking.

"Have fun." She whispered before vanishing. I looked down at my wrist to see four letters on it.


Before I could think of what that meant my mind got fuzzy. Black dots clouded my vision and I fell back.

Ashton's P.O.V

"What the fuck was that?" I asked before slowly walking back. The guys had just gotten here and we're throwing multiple questions at me.

"Should I get the nurse." Luke asked.

"No you nimrod, she's a bitch." I said to him.

"Something serious just happened." Calum said and looked nervous.

"I'm going to get the nurse." Michael said and walked towards the door. I ran over to him and jumped on his back. We both went down to the ground.

"Fuck you Ashton!" Michael yelled.

"Your'e all idiots." Courtney muttered and pinched her temple. There was a tiny laugh from the back of the room. Almost In unison we all turned our heads. There Scarlett sat, wide awake and smiling directly at me.

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