Chapter 14

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Sorry this took a while for me to write. I'm kinda busy at times and this week I was stressed out but I'm good now :) onto the chapter...~Em

Scarlett's P.O.V

As I opened my eyes the dawn was all I saw. My new room was lit with a fiery gold color and I'm guessing it was early. The clock read 7 am next to my bed and I got up. No point of going pack to sleep. I slowly made my way over to the half opened blinds. In one swift motion I opened them all the way. My eyes adjusted for a second until finally I could see clearer. The window across from mine was halfway opened and I could see a figure walking around. Looking a tiny bit closer I realized it was Ashton. He was walking around frantically looking for a shirt with a phone against his ear. His abs were the first thing I saw and I couldn't help but stare for a bit. He looked up as if he sensed being watched and smiled at me. Then he went over to the window and tapped it three times. I opened mine slightly.

"You're up early for someone who should be experiencing extreme jet-lag." Ash said as he got on his knees and put his elbows on the railing. I did the same but put my hair up in a messy bun.

"I got up and couldn't go back to sleep. Plus I have a date in the kitchen in about 30 seconds." I muttered with a shy smile. Ashton giggled a bit and my smile grew wider. That laugh just makes everyone want to smile when they hear it.

"Can we double date? I have some bacon in the fridge that's getting lonely." He said and this time I laughed. I slightly nodded and he told me he would be over in 5 minutes. I ran downstairs and quickly checked on Courtney. She was sound asleep in her bed. I closed her door just in case we might be loud and ran into the kitchen to start getting things ready. The only thing we had was eggs, pancake mix and milk that I could use. Thank god Courtney went out yesterday and got things to eat. I also ran over to the tv and turned it on the music channel. Hey There Delilah started playing and I couldn't help to sing along as I went in the kitchen and washed my hands.

"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City. I'm 1,000 miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do. Time square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's tru-"

"Hey there Delilah don't you worry about the distance. I'm right there if you get lonely give this song another listen close your eyes. Listen to my voice it's my disguise, I'm by your side."

I looked over at Ashton who had just walked in. He held a package of bacon. Also he was wearing a My Little Pony shirt. Figures.

"You have a really good voice by the way." He said before putting the bacon on the granite tabletop. Instead of answering I just shook my head and gave him a small smile.

"You are in my kitchen. So this means we go by my rules." I said and tried to pull off a serious face.

"Rule one is there are no rules.... Just have fun." I said and laughed.

"Damn I'm coming over here more often then!" He enthusiastically yelled then looked over at me smiling.

I started mixing the pancake batter and Ashton was starting up the bacon. I heard him open up cabinet. I'm guessing he found out where we hide our pans.

"Hey Juliet. Do you live here alone or...?" Ashton asked as he started putting bits of bacon on a pan.

"I live here with my best friend, Courtney." I said as I stirred the mixture up a bit more.

"Where are your parents?" Ash asked.

"They live in Florida..." I said quietly. Lies over lies..

"Why were you guys in Florida?" I asked Ashton before putting the mix onto a griddle.

"Just looking for an old friend you could say." Ashton said with a sad smile.

Suddenly I heard a crack and something wet was running down my face. I looked over to see Ashton with an opened egg in his hand.

"Oops... Looks like their not hard boiled." He giggled and looked at me. I quickly grabbed the carton of milk and poured it over his head. I smirked at him. He shook his hair like a wet dog and took another egg. This time he threw it at my shirt. I glared at him before picking up an egg and throwing it at him. He took off his wet shirt and now we both stared each other down. That was until he made a battle call and took the pancake mix. Next thing I knew I was soaked in the mix.

"I must be dreaming... So I think I'll go back into my room." I heard someone mutter. Courtney sat there dazed before she walked back to her room. We both let out a large laugh.

"Hey you owe me a new shirt." I said with a pout on my face. He signaled for me to wait before he ran out the door. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. That was until I turned the tv to a different channel and started watching spongebob. I heard heavy footsteps and looked up. That was until a shirt was thrown in my face.

"Here. It's one of my favorites. Welcome to the neighborhood." Ash said and went in to hug me. I accepted the hug then took one good look at the shirt. It was a tank top with an American Flag on it. I've seen him wear it a few times. I was about to thank him till I realized he had gone back in the kitchen. I started to get up and help but was stopped mid way.

"Let me get breakfast. It's almost done anyway. Continue watching Sponge Bewb." Ashton called and I sat back down.

"Don't burn down my kitchen!" I yelled back and diverted my eyes back to the tv. It was just getting to the good part when I heard a bunch of plates fall. I ran into the kitchen to see one of the plates broken...

"I'm so sorry." Ashton apologized before going to pick the pieces up.

"No no it's ok!" I told him before getting down and trying to help him pick up the pieces. We both looked up at the same time which caused us to hit heads. Both of us fell back and started laughing like crazy. After Ash helped me up. He stared at me for a minute before looking away.

"Sorry, you just look so familiar. Have we ever met before this?"

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