Chapter 32

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Scarlett's P.O.V

It was that type of moment where any other girl would be scared shitless. I knew that this situation could be so much worse then it already is. So was I scared? Yeah a little. I wouldn't consider shitting my pants. I was afraid of getting caught only because I knew I would get wet.

"Shit." I heard him whisper as he put his phone up to his ear.

"Fine, I'll be back in a few minutes. Just calm down Luke." He said and slid his hand along his hair for the second time. His eyes scanned around one last time before he started walking away. Once he was no where in sight I slowly got out of the swing, making sure not even a worm could hear me.

I took one last glance before making my way down the empty street. The street lights flickered on and off. Amusingly I watched, it looked like I was in some sort of haunted movie. All I would need is a kidnap-

"I've got you!" I heard someone yell before I was sprayed head to toe with water. I felt it immediately, the freezing water hitting my skin like needles. I screamed out in pain. Damn you Irwin.

"What the hell." I yelled. He had just stopped and by now was laughing his butt off. The cold air clung to me like a blanket. Did he not realize how cold it already was outside?

"Asht- Ashton Irwin, you a- are an as- asshole.." I stuttered giving him the finger. He looked taken back but soon was recovered with a laugh.

"Cmon lets go back you look freezing." He started towards me but I swiftly took a step back. I was not going back with him. No way in hell.

"I- If I say n- no?" I asked him taking a few more steps back. Ashton shook his head in disapproval but still held a sly smile on his face.

"I don't think no is an option." He said while walking closer. He grabbed my hand and started walking back. I'm going to get a cold either way. I gave him a glare. Yet he couldn't see it I made sure he felt it.

"No." I whispered ripping my hand from his tight grip.

"Don't be stubborn." His face softened when he looked behind hm to find me shaking.

"Scarlett your shaking." He sighed and started to take off his jacket.

"No, I do- don't want i- it." I said then wrapped my hands around my arms. Don't give in, don't give in. This is so cliche. He put his jacket around my shoulders but before I could protest he took me in his arms. Where's the cameras? Obviously this is a joke.

"Ashton...'' I whispered as I stared at him. Since he took off his jacket, his bear arms shook in the darkness. Even though he was my kidnapper I felt as if he was my savor as well.

"How did you know where I was?" I suddenly asked. I ran as fast as I could and he must've not seen where I went.

"I had this sudden feeling. I just honestly let my feet guide me." He smiled as he looked down at me.


We had gotten back an hour ago. Everyone was calm, either watching a movie or playing videos games. Considering what just happened it surprised me. Oh well...

"Night guys." I yelled while walking towards the stairs. I couldn't even make it to the first step before I felt the familiar warmth on my hand.

"You have to stay for movie..." Ashton said as he looked back at the living room. He gave me a desperate look. I guess I could stay up a little later...

"Fine. Only because you're a cute." I sighed and he jumped up in the air. Cute little shit.

We walked back into the living room to find everyone sitting on the couch. As I looked up at the tv I felt my blood run cold. Paranormal Activity. There was only one reason why I was terrified of this movie. It was the last movie my mom had taken me to before she died.

"We aren't really watching this are we?" I asked giving them all a look. Luke nodded slowly and averted his attention back to the TV. This was going to be a long night.

Fate | a.i.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang