Imagine #87 ; hayes grier

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requested by ; @typsydallas

you waited in line for the 3rd time this month . you weren't exactly obsessed but then again here you were at magcon for the third time this month in front of the boys and of course queen mahogany .

you stepped up in line only a few steps from being to the beginning of the line where you got to meet the boys . finally, the girls in front of you went across and you stepped up to nash and cam's table .

"hey, want a picture?", they asked in sync . you nodded being a bit shy. they got behind you and did really silly faces as you simply smiled and snapped the picture.

as soon as you turned your head you caught the gaze of hayes (ryhming skills on fleek) grier . as you as you caught his eyes he immediately turned back to signing something for a fan. you shook it off and walked to the next table.

after a few pictures and signings , you were eventually at Hayes's & Matt's table. you got an autograph and picture from Matt then you

approached Hayes .

" hey , haven't you been here at magcon before?", he asked. he actually recognized you.

"yeah, three times actually", you laughed as you handed him your phone case so he could autograph it.

"Melissa , right?", he asked signing your case. your eyes widened.

"uh yeah, I didn't think you'd remember me.", you said with a smile.

"well beautiful name , beautiful face, and gorgeous eyes. how could I forget?", he asked cheekily. you laughed.

you reached out for your phone but instead he opened it and typed in a few words.

"well now you have my number , so maybe we could meet up sometime yanno . ", your eyes lit up as you nodded aggressively.

"well text me, until next time beautiful.", he said smiling as you walked away and nodded.

well that was quite interesting but you have a date with your babe aghhh !

an ;

sorry for the slow updates and replies

i do have a lot of requests and its stressful

but ily guys and I'm trying my hardest

xx chelsea

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