Imagine #11 ; Shawn Mendes

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requested by @mendess

Your best friend, who happens to be a boy, were going to a Austin Mahone concert tonight.

You had begged him to go. He finally gave in. You bought your ticket, and he bought his.

You guys were so close. You looked like a couple. You never wanted to go out though. It would've ruined yalls friendship.

It was about 2 hours before you had to leave.

You got dressed in a simple floral muscle tee, high waisted black and white shorts with jags down the top, and some floral Vans.

You straightened your hair and put on some natural make-up.

You were ready. You grabbed a water bottel and sat down on your couch. You called Trevor (your best friend).

"Hey, Trevor where are you?"

"Outside. Hurry up its coooolldd."

You hung up, you grabbed your IPhone and ran out the door. Hurrying up you jumped in the passenger seat.

You jammed out to Buckwild by the 2 virgins (Taylor Caniff and Dylan Rupp) in the car.

When you pulled up the parking lot was full of cars and screaming girls.

You and Trevor finally found a parking spot. When you got out you hurried up and grabbed his arm. You were clostrophobic.

You walked into the tall building. You gave your tickets to the ticket guy. You hurried up and got to your seats. It was in the front row. Your aunt was a music maniac and always had tickets to whoever you wanted.

You sat there for awhile on your phone getting your camera ready to film.

You were still on your phone when you heard thousands of piercing screams. You looked up.

It was a guy you had never seen before. He had dark brown hair that fell just right. His eyes were a light brown color. He was gorgeous.

He started to sing and his voice was like an angel. You looked at your sheet about the concert.

It said his name was Shawn Mendes.

You held your phone up videoing. Trevor accidentally knocked you phone onto the stage. Shawn saw it. You waved telling him it was yours. He smiled, and put it in his pocket.

You scrunched your eyebrows together. You were confused the whole time Austin sung.

After the show was over a security guard came over to you and Trevor, "Mam' Shawn Mendes would like to see you and your friend backstage."

You smiled and nodded. He escorted yall to the back. There waiting was Shawn he had your phone in his hands. She smiled at you, but it dropped when he saw Trevor.

You smiled at him. He patted the seat next to him. You sat down. Trevor was on his phone, probably texting his girlfriend.

"Hey, can I have my phone?" you smiled and pleaded.

"Yep!" he popped the 'P's and handed you your phone.

You looked through it. Your background was changed to a picture of him. You had a new contact 'Shawn is so hawt!' you laughed. You also had a video.

He must've not known you still had a video going on. It must've stopped after an hour, because of the limit.

You scrunched your eyebrows and played the video. Shawn was too busy death glaring at Trevor.

You skipped the part of Shawn singing. You then heard him having a conversation with Austin.

"Did you see that girl in the front row she was gorgeous?" Shawn asked Austin. He wasn't talking about you for sure.

"Yeah, the one with the boy? She was beautiful!", Austin said back. You were with Trevor...

"Mhm. Mine though. I got her phone. It was knocked out of her hand and on the stage I kept it, so I could see her again." Shawn replied. Awhile they were talking about you. You blushed a lot.

"Oooo kill em' Shawn!" Austin said. You could feel the smirk in his voice.

Shawn turned his head toward the phone when he heard his name. His eyes popped out of his head. He tried to grab the phone, but you ran away with it.

"Haha, I'm going to ask her on a date. For tomorrow at like 2. I'd probably take her to the..." Shawn said as the video stopped.

You mentally cursed at yourself for the limit. You ran back over to Shawn he had his head in his hands. Trevor didn't even notice at all.

"Yes, I will go on a date with you. Too bad the video stopped before you told the place." he got up and hugged you.

"What about your boyfriend?" you bursted out laughing.

"Bro, she's my best friend. So, hurt her you die. Got it." Trevor added.

Shawn nodded. He looked back at me.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow. Around 2ish. I'll text you to tell me your address."

You smiled and nodded. You kissed his cheek, and gave him a huge hug.

You walked out of the place on Cloud 9.

You smiled and nodded.

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