Imagine #21 ; Taylor Caniff

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requested by ; @nicolehanekom

"Hey babe, where'd you put my blue bandana?", Taylor called from the closet.

"Its in the bottom drawer!", you screamed from the kitchen.

Taylor walked into the kitchen looking pissed.

"No the fuck it's not, I've already looked like 7 times.", he screamed in your face.

"Taylor, quit fucking yelling at me! I remember putting it in there yesterday.", you yelled back at him.

Recently you had moved in together. Everything was really hard, because stuff was everywhere. Plus you and him were going through a rough patch.

"Well then why don't you show me then, Nicole!", you grabbed his hand and walked up the stairs, as is he was a child.

You walked into the absolutely destroyed closet. Things were thrown everywhere. You pulled out the bottom drawer to see everything folded neatly with a note on top.

Hey babe sorry for the arguement I love u bæ! But wait look behind you first.

xoxo Tay

You turned around and Taylor was gone. You walked into the kitchen and there was another note on the counter.

Hey bby ur getting really close just go outside

xoxo Tay

You walked out the door and you were ambushed. You were being pushed up against a wall, his lips were on yours.

It felt so right.

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