Imagine #13 ; Jack Johnson

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requested by @magconbae

You were at the park just walking around. You were a loner today. You heard a commotion down the road. You walked there and there was like 12 boys surrounded by like 836293627 girls.

You pushed through the crowd until you were at the front. It was those Magcon boys.

They were Vine famous or something. You watched their Vines.

You saw Jack and Jack. They were your favorites. You loved Jack J.

One of the girls behind you pushed you forward. You almost fell, but tight arms embraced you.

You looked up to see Jack J. You were in the arms of Jack J. He caught you from falling.

"Thank you."

"No problem, beautiful.", you blushed and got back on your feet.

"Let me write something on your arm.", you nodded and he got out a Sharpie.

He started writing. It tickled so you giggled. He looked up and smiled at you.

He stopped and he was done. You looked down.

Jack J here!(:

Text me beautiful(:


You looked up and he was looking back you. They were walking away. You gave him a thumbs up and he blew you a kiss. Realization hit you like a brick.

He called you beautiful!

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