Imagine #44 ; Jack Gilinsky

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requested by ; @MAGconlove__

Today's the day. You're going off to college. You're kind of nervous but also excited to start this new chapter in your life.

As your walking through the halls trying to find your room, you finally spot it. Room 40. Nows the time you find out who your roommate is.

Thinking about this makes you nervous but as you walk in you find a really pretty and tall girl. She has brown eyes and long brown hair.

"hey," she says greeting you. "I'm Whitney, what's your name?" she seems like a really nice person.

"hi, my name is Mya."

"it's really nice to meet you," she says.

Her side of the room is neat and colorful and you can already tell you guys will get along good. As you get to know each other and you unpack you here someone walk in the room.

You turn around to see who it is. A tall, very attractive guy is standing in your room that you seem to recognize. Then you realize who.

Jack Gilinksy.

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