imagine #97 ; hayes grier

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requested by ; @adrianad7

" So has Hayes asked you yet?", one of your friends asked. You shook your head.

She was referring to prom, which was right around the corner, and your boyfriend, Hayes, still hasn't asked you. You weren't that worried about it, because you knew he would sooner or later, you just didn't want to put pressure on him to ask you soon.

"No, he hasn't. I'm not really worried though, he will soon.", you announced with a sigh as you opened your locker and put last period's books in, and took out your next period's books. They nodded in agreement.

Right now, you had to go to Geography and drop of your books and then you were off to lunch, where Hayes was probably waiting for you.

You walked into the cafeteria and spotted Hayes sitting at your usual table with his friends and some of yours. You sat beside him, entangling your fingers, he sent you a small smile and got back to his conversation with his friends.

"Hayes.", you whispered where only he could hear. He turned towards you, and raised his eyebrows as he muttered a small huh.

"Look", you said, pointing to a boy with flowers and a 'prom?' shirt on.

He was asking a girl and she broke into tears and nodded vigorously. It was cute.

You knew you were trying to hint to Hayes about prom, but he just nodded and got back to his conversation. He was acting kind of like a jerk, it seemed like he was ignoring you. You scoffed, and let go of his hand. He noticed and looked down at his now alone hand. He then took your hand in his and looked back to you.

"What, Adriana?", he asked. You bit your lip, and shook your head. You didn't want to rush him into things, but you trying so hard to try and tell him to take a hint, but this had to be something he did on his own.

After the lunch bell rung, you had to walk outside and across campus to your car, which had your charger in it. You mumbled a little goodbye to Hayes and walked out of the door.

When you were by your car, you saw a drawing on the pavement. It looked like something made out of chalk, but you weren't close enough to see what it said, but you sure were interested. When you got closer you saw it drew " ADRI, PROM? - HAYES ".

You felt a tap on your shoulder so you turned around, and the whole school had gathered behind you, along with Hayes, standing right in front of you, singing a song. You recognized the song as Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran.

By the end you had tears in your eyes, and he kneeled in front of you. Taking your hand in his.

"Adriana, will you go with me to prom?", he asked, breathing heavily. You grinned from ear to ear.

"Of course, i would.", you announced, he stood on his feet and embraced you as the school cheered.

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