Imagine #80 ; Nash Grier

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requested by // @obubbleloveo

"Nash, how about this?", you asked, walking out of the dressing room. His gaze averted to you, his jaw immediately dropped.

"You - you look beautiful.", nash said , you felt your cheeks flush.

Nash is your best friend, has been since you two were both freshmans. You easily befriended each other.

You bought the dress then went to Starbucks.

You walked up to the counter the guy behind it was gorgeous, damn if you do say so yourself, he was the shit. The guy smiled at you flirtatiously.

"So what may I get for you guys today?", he said ignoring Nash's presence.

"Uhm a Vanilla Bean Frappe and a Double Chocolate Chip Frappe, venti.", Nash said a bit annoyed at something . He looked so cute when he was annoyed, you thought.

Shit, well now its time to admit it. You have a HUGE crush on Nash.

"Okay, that'll be $14.96", he said. You tried to get my money out as fast as you could, but Nash already had his out paying. You groaned and sat down.

"Im going to pay whether you like it or not.", nash said as he took the seat in front of you.

You two small talked until your orders were called out. You scanned your cup to see the guy wrote his number on it, sure he was gorgeous but he sure as hell couldn't compare to Nash.

Nash peaked over your shoulder and scoffed when he saw it.

The rest of the day, you two hadn't said a word to each other. It was really awkward.

*3 days later*

Nash had been ignoring you for awhile now. You didn't why though.

Whenever you went over to his house his mom always told you he was out, when you could see him peeking out of his bedroom window.

He'd avoid you at school too. Whenever he saw you he sprinted the other way to the bathroom.

You had to talk to him and see what's wrong.

So you had a plan.

Later that night you went to his house. A tree was right next to his window, what you do for this boy.

You climbed the tree and jumped on the roof. You pinched yourself to make sure your still alive. Yes, you were.

You peeked into his window to see him sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

You knocked on the window and his head shot up. His gaze averted to the window. He got up slowly and opened it.

"Boo!", you yelled, he jumped and looked like he shit himself.

You climbed into his room.

"What are you doing here?", he asked.

"I needed to talk to you, considering you've been avoiding be for the past few days.", he bit his lip and it was taking every inch of you to keep you from eating his face off.

"Well let me rephrase that, I don't want to talk.", he said plainly.

"So, what. I risked my life climbing up that tree then leaping to victory on to your roof. Im not going anywhere until you tell me why you're avoiding me.", he sighed.

"You really want to know?", he asked.

"No, I did all this to tell you a re run of the Teletubbies is on.", he smiled a bit.

"Really? Well then get on your way.", now this is the Nash you knew.

"Im serious Nash.", he sighed and bit his lip.

"FUCK NASH, YOURE STABBING ME IN THE OVARIES HERE! STOP NASH STOP! FEELS!", you decided to keep that part to yourself.

"I- im in love with you, Maddy. Damnit I love you. I have since freshman year. I can't deny it anymore. When I saw you flirting with that guy at Starbucks I got jealous. I thought if I avoid you id lose feelings, but all I did was ache. My heart aches when im not with you. I love you.", it took you a minute to process it. Nash loved you.

"Damnit I knew this would happen-", he said.

"Nash?", you asked, but he kept rambling on.

"You don't love me back and now- ", you cut him off again.

"Nash?", you said a bit louder. He still kept rambling on.

"I understand if our friendship is over, Im sorry-", he was getting on your nerves.

"NASH?!", you yelled. He shut up and looked at you.

"Im sor-", you cut him off by pulling him into a kiss.

"Wh- what was that for?", he asked running his hand through his hair.

"To shut you up, so I can say that I love you too.", he smiled and bit his lip.

"Fuck Nash, if you bite your lip one more time I swear to God Im going to dry hump your leg.", he smirked. Did you really just say that out loud?

"I don't think id mind that.", he said smirking. You shook your head and rolled your eyes.

"In your dreams, lover boy."

the universe was finally in place.

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