Imagine #8 ; Cameron Dallas

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requested by @odetaaa

You had just joined the cheerleading team at your school. Today was the first game, and your first time cheering in front of a crowd. You were really nervous.

You had gotten even more nervous considering your boyfriend, Cameron,  and his friends came to watch the game.

You were kinda the gymnast and dancer of the squad. You had to do a lot of hard stunts if you messed up you'd probably break a bone.

You and the rest of the squad were getting ready in the locker room right now. You were as I said before extremely nervous. 

It was time for the cheerleaders and the team to come out. You ran out on the field with the rest of the girls and the players. Every guy in the stands wolf whistled at the cheerleaders.

Your eyes scanned over the stands and you saw Cam looking at you in your skimpy uniform. He was drooling. You laughed.

You and the rest of the girls did regular cheers while the team was playing. Now it was half-time. Time for the stunts and stuff.

You and the rest of the girls walked out on the field. You got in your positions and started. It started out with just a regular cheer. You went on up to the top of the pyramid and did a flip off landing in one of the boy cheerleaders arms.

You looked at Cam and he looked scared and nervous. He didn't want you to get hurt.

You then did the big stunt you did a cartwheel, front flip, back flip, round off, a back bend kickover, and landed in splits in a cheerleaders arms. You did it!

Cam looked relieved, you blew him a kiss and finished the rest of the game.

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