Imagine #82 ; Hayes Grier

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requested by // @fandomwriter370

"Hey Aunt Crystal!", you said as you walked inside with your bag in your hand.

You were going to be staying with her a few days because it's the day before Thanksgiving.

"Hey, Babydoll!", she said smiling. She walked over to you and pulled you into a big hug.

"Where can I put my bag?", you asked referring to the large bag in your hand.

"Uhm, down the hall, first door on the right is your room.", you nodded and walked away.

When you opened the door you saw two beds, someone must be rooming with you. You layed your bag on one of the beds, and went back into the living room.

You and your aunt made small talk until you heard a knock on the door. You opened it to see 2 boys, a little girl, a man, and a woman.

"Hey Elizabeth!", your aunt called out to the woman.

"Crystal! Thanks for inviting us to stay.", wait! stay?

You scanned the family. You recognized both of the boys. Hayes and Nash Grier. Hayes was your age, you two were in a few classes together at school. You knew Nash, because 99% of your school's population was obsessed with him and Hayes.

"Oh, this is my niece, Alyssa. Alyssa, this is the Griers. They'll be staying with us for Thanksgiving.", you smiled and waved at them.

Your aunt and Mr. and Mrs. Grier were talking.

The little blonde girl starting running up to you. She was absolutely adorable.

"Hi, Im Skylynn!", she said with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey sweetie, Im Alyssa.", you said bending down to give her a hug.

"Im going to call you... Lyssy!", she said. Gosh, she was the definition of adorable.

You and Skylynn started playing dollies when the boys walked over to you.

"Hey, im Hayes.", he said. He had a slight southern drawl that you hadn't noticed before.

"Im Nash.", said the older one, he had a little accent but not as much as Hayes.

"Uh, hey im Alyssa.", you said back. They probably thought you were going to fangirl or something. Well, that's not the case.

"I call her Lyssy!", Skylynn yelled looking up from her dolls. The boys laughed.

"have I seen you before?", hayes asked.

"You sit behind me in 3rd period.", you said.

"Oh, youre the girl with the nice smelling hair.", as soon as he realised what he said his cheeks turned a crimson color. You chuckled.

"Yeah,  I guess I am.", you said laughing.

"Hey guys, Ill show you to your rooms.", your aunt said breaking the awkward silence.

"Elizabeth and Johnnie, your room will be at the very end of the hallway on the left.", they nodded and grabbed their bags and walked into their room.

"Nash, Skylynn, your room will be the second door on the right.", they nodded and Nash put Skylynn on his shouldars and they walked into their room.

That leaves Hayes to room with... you.

"Lys, show Hayes to your room. He'll be rooming with you.", you gulped and nodded. Hayes followed you into the room and sat his bag on the other bed.

"So, uhm. Its pretty late, wanna watch a movie or something?", you looked at him confused, considering there was no TV in the room.

"I have my laptop.", he said searching through his bag, he pulled out a laptop. He got on Netflix, and y'all ended up watching American Horror Story (season 1).

"Uhm, you can't see it if you're all the way over there. You can join me on this bed if you want.", you nodded and got up. You plopped down on his bed and moved to the edge of the bed.

"Alyssa, I don't have cooties.", he said laughing. You gave in and moved closer to him.

After the 6th episode you were about to pass out. You yawned and Hayes looked over at you.

"You can go to sleep if you're sleepy yunno.", you nodded and layed your head on his shouldar.

It felt so... right. You felt safe in his arms. Maybe this was the start of something new.

magcon imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora