Imagine #81 ; Carter Reynolds

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requested by // @the5littledirections

"Carter I dont know if I can forgive you...", he nodded and looked down.

"Its okay, I mean. I deserve it, I shouldn't have done what I did. If it helps any, I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing, I thought she was you. You're all I could think about.", he said, with a tear rolling down his cheek. It broke your heart to see him cry.

I bet you're wondering what happened? Well here's the answer...

*flashback to 4 days ago*

You decided to surprise you boyfriend, Carter, for his birthday.

You thought you wouldn't be able to make it, because you were in DC, so you decided to fly out to see him.

You were currently on the airplane waiting until you landed.

beep beep beep

You turned on your phone to see you had a message from Carter.

hey babe I miss u sooo much, wish u were here :(

You smiled and texted him back that you miss him too and that you wished you were there too.

The lady came on the intercom and told you that'd it would be 5 minutes until landing.

You were so excited to see Carter. You couldn't wait any longer.

When you got off the plane your nerves were recked. You drove to Carters house to be greeted by red solo cups and people everywhere.

He had a major party. When you got out of the car you could smell the strong aroma of alcohol.


You walked in the house and easily spotted Nash and Cameron playing beer pong in the kitchen.

"Hey, guys. Have you seen Carter?", their head shot up and they exchanged a quick glance between each other.

"Uhm n-no we haven't ", nash stuttered. God, he was horrible at lying.

"Tell me the truth or ill hit you upside the head with a beer bottle.", you grabbed the closest beer bottle and held it up. They gulped.

"Upstairs, last bedroom on the left.", they said at the same time. What's up with them?

You walked upstairs, then all of a sudden you knew what was going on. The moans were getting louder and louder.

You opened the door to see a naked girl on top of carter. He was cheating on you...

"Uhm, im sorry. Happy birthday Carter.", he turned his head to see you. He pushed the girl off and stumbled up. He was obviously drunk.

"Itss not what it lookssss like", he slurred.

"I don't need an excuse, carter.", you said as you walked out.

*back to normal*

"Carter don't cry please.", you said.

"H-how can I not, I j-just made the b-biggest mistake e-ever.", his tears starting to get heavier. You knew he wasn't lying, he would never hurt someone on purpose.

"Carter...", he couldn't hear you over his sobs. You entangled your hand with his and he looked up at you. His face was red and his eyes were puffy.

"P-please give me a second chance?", he asked nervously.

"Okay, carter. Just don't ever do this again, please. I love you so much Carter.", he smiled and engulfed you in a hug.

"I love you too, bae."

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