imagine #92 ; jack gilinsky

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requested by ; @gnarlymaloley

" Hey James, its 5 minutes until our lunch break. Wanna go out to McDonalds or Taco Bell or something? You can finally meet Jack.", you asked your office mate, which also happened to be your cousin.

"Yeah, but can we go to somewhere other then those places, I swear we go there every day.", he explained with a slight groan. You chuckled and nodded, he recommended Jack In The Box ( seriously had to ).

He got back to work as you pulled out your phone and texted Jack, your boyfriend.

to : jack
hey baby cx lunch in 5 meet me @ jack in the box xx

from : jack
k be there in 5 - j x

You sent an 'okay' back and slid your phone back in your pocket. You knocked on the wall that seperates your office from James's. He came out a moment later with his car keys in hand.

"Ride?", he asked, you nodded walking into the elevator, pushing the 1 button. You two made small talk on the way down and in the car.

It only took a few minutes to get there, you took a seat in the restaurant with James, waiting for Jack to arrive.

When he finally got there, you & James were talking about a time when you both were 8 and you had ran into him while playing Marco Polo and his nose started bleeding and he thought a shark was gonna eat him. You both were laughing and telling old stories, which stopped when Jack sat down.

"Hey Jack, this is James, my co-worker.", you explained. Jack nodded and grinned slightly.

"Uhm hi. Sorry I was late, Jack kept bugging me about a vine.", he said, fiddling with his thumbs.

"Its okay, but we have to get back to work in 5 minutes. So we're gonna get going. You can order something though.", you said, kissing his cheek and embracing him into a hug. He nodded sending a slight glare towards James, that held jealousy?

"James, can you go get the car running? I have to talk to Jack.", you said, he nodded and left out of the  restaurant.

You sat in front of Jack, holding his hand across the table. He bit his lip, holding something back.

"What's wrong?", you asked, sighing. He looked up from the table and looked a bit angry.

"What was that? You two were flirting when I walked in, and then it gets all awkward. What's going on?", he whisper yelled. You rolled your eyes, knowing he hadn't listened when you told him that James, your cousin, got a job at the same office building as you.

"We weren't flirting, we were telling childhood stories.", you said, he squinted his eyes.

"So, you've known each other since childhood? That means he has an advantage on me, ugh.", he groaned. He was honestly starting to annoy you.

You looked around the restaurant, and out the window to see James waiting impatiently in the car.

"He has no advantage, because he's my cousin. I'm not really into incest so I mean maybe you should listen more when I tell you my cousin got a job in the same office building as me. You're jealous for nothing, I love you and no one could have an advantage on you..", you explained, he smiled in relief.

"I love you too, I'm sorry I got jealous. I must've been asleep or really tired when you told me.", he explained. You nodded, kissing him one last time before you waved goodbye and walked out to the car.

an ;
hope you liked it

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