imagine #90 ; taylor caniff

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requested by ; @vanilladinosaur

you dreaded school, mainly because of the group of boys that constantly bully you for your music taste and clothing, they were constantly calling you an emo or a goth and it was always 
you down  but you couldn't not go so you'd have to put up with it.

as usual, your alarm went off around 7am. you groaned even thinking about attempting to avoid the group that made your life a living hell.

you got dressed in your usual band shirt and skinny jeans and applied some eyeliner to your waterline. your natural straight hair was brushed, and in your opinion you looked decent. but you were the only person who thought you looked okay, as you know of.

you walked to the bus stop, waiting with a few teenagers that also went to your school. as soon as you got on the bus, you heard the usual whispers and laughs from people talking about you. you sighed, sitting in the very back seat, putting your ear plugs in your ears and blasting all time low (sorry I didn't know if you liked them, but I love them and yeah I hope you do also I guess.)

the bus arrived at school and you saw the usual people hanging out in the parking lot of the school. the groups were separated and were easy to tell apart.

the jocks usually wore varsity jackets or cargos and they usually had their hair styled in a quiff or a flip thing, the girls in cheer leading attire or crop tops, and you could sense their 1.1 gpa from miles away. then the geeks usually wore glasses and button up shirts, the girls skirts and leggings. they were okay if you're cheating off of them in chemistry. then there were the goths or emos (stereotypical name) were usually in band shirts and black, you were usually in that group. at last, the popular group. the group you constantly got bullied by. they were all up to date on the latest fashion trends and instagram updates. they were all stuck up dicks and bitches.

the main group in the popular type was nash grier, football player and asshole, matt espinosa, the dick of the group, he was in the group for basically doing nothing but making fun of people, then last of all taylor caniff, the nice one. he was the one every girl wanted, he was sweet and nice and perfect. it was kinda obvious that you had a hidden crush on him.

you gathered your bag, and stepped off the bus, unfortunately catching the eye of Nash and the gang.

"hey emo, what's up?", Matt yelled at you. you chewed your lip, continuing to walk on trying to ignore him.

"hey bitch, you heard me!", he yelled again. you continued ignoring him until he walked up to you, Nash behind him with a smirk on his face, along with Taylor following behind looking ashamed.

"what do you want, Matt?", you whimpered, looking around to meet his eyes. he smirked at you giving up on ignoring him.

"well for you to be out of my sight would please me.", he said harshly. you rolled your eyes at his attempt of being a dick. you could've been out of his sight if he hadn't called you back.

"whatever matt.", you groaned, walking into the school entrance. the bell rang, signaling how late you are to class because of them.

"I didn't ask you to walk away, no matter how bad I want you out of my sight you're getting what you deserve.", he growled through his teeth, grabbing your ribcage from behind and digging his finger in every slit. you winced, as he knocked your feet from under you.

"no, please don't.", you pleaded looking up at his merciless face and the boys behind him, Nash standing there in shock as Taylor turned his head away from looking at the scene. Matt had never been physical before, now you were gonna constantly be beat.

Matt smirked, raising his leg up ready to connect it with your rib. you closed your eyes, ready for the impact but instead you were interuppted my someone being slammed against the lockers.

you peeled your eyes open to see Matt pushed up against the locker by Taylor .

"I'm tired of this shit man! you're a coward beating up on a poor defenseless girl. its gone way out of proportion and I'm a coward to just sit there and watch. well guess what, I'm not watching any more. I'm giving you what you deserve!", Taylor yelled at a terrified Matt. Taylor arched his hand back ready to hit Matt.

people began to run out of class at the commotion, you saw your older brother run and grab Taylor off of Matt and pull you up from the ground, you winced at the motion of your rib stretching outward where Matt dug his fingers in. you screamed, as your brother noticed what was wrong. he growled some words at Matt as he released Taylor.

Taylor stormed over to matt and started releasing blows to his face, with every hit Matt felt pain. the pain you'd been feeling for two years. Taylor was pulled off of Matt once again by Nash and he stumbled over to you helping you to your feet and carrying you to the nurses office.

"thank you, taylor. I really appreciate it.", you mumbled to him. he nodded.

"my pleasure, he's an asshole and he got what was coming to him, Angie.", he said, giving you a small smile.

this was the start of something new and great.

a/n ;
requests are currently closed until further notice.
so comment or pm questions and I'll answer them in the next chapter
hope you like it Angie ((:

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