Imagine #66 ; Sam Wilkinson

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requested by // @morgzlea

Your boyfriend, Sam, holds your hair back as you threw up for the 70th time today.

"Babe, we need to go to the doctor. This isn't normal.", you straightened up from the bending position you were in. You nodded, agreeing.

Sam drove you to the hospital. They took you into a room.The doctor did a blood sample and asked you why you were here. He left for a few minutes, then came back with your results.

"I have good news!", you looked up at the doctor giving him the 'tell me or I'll get up from this bed and stomp your genitals' look.

"You're fine, but you're 3 months pregnant.", you looked to Sam. His eyes widened, and so did yours.

"What's the gender?", Sam asked the doctor.

"There is 2 genders.", you and Sam looked at the doctor confused.

"You're having twins.", the doctor says walking out of the room.

You exchange a look with Sam. Then you look down, when you heard a sqeal beside you. You turn to see Sam having a fanboy attack.

'" OH EM GEE! IM GOING TO BE A DADDY YAS YAS YAS YAS!", you smiled and laughed at his dorkiness.

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