Imagine #72 : Shawn Mendes

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requested by // @love_heartbreak_life

"I'm sorry Maddie, it's just I never get to see you. I don't think we should continue. I love you so much bt it's not working out."

Those were your ex-boyfriend, Shawn Mendes,'s words a week or two ago. You were heartbroken. You'd dated since 7th grade, you were honestly in love with him. But he was right, now that he was at Magcon you two never got to see each other. You hated being apart, but it was all over now.

Right now you were seated on your bed, crying your heart out. This was an everday thing since the breakup.

You heard a slight knock on your door.

"G-go away , mom!", the knocking continued. You got up out of bed, glancing into the mirror as you walked past it. You looked like complete shit, your makeup was running down your face, your hair was everywhere, and your face was puffy from crying.

You opened the dor to reveal the boy that broke your heart, Shawn Mendes. Your heartbeat was faster then ever. Your stomach flipped at the sight of him. All the feelings rushed back into you. 

"Wh-what do you w-want? Aren't you s-supposed to be at m-magcon?", you stuttered, a tear slipped from your eye as you looked up at his face. He looked like shit too. His hair was messed up, his eyes were puffy and red, and looked like he haden't slept in a week.

"Well, I couldn't take it. I want to be with you. It broke my heart when I broke up with you, because I knew for a fact you were heartbroken. It brakes me even more to know that you've been crying beause of my mistake. I loved you so much, and i threw it away for some silly convention. I quit Magcon, just so ya know. Well I'm not here for nothing. I want you back, Maddie. I love you with all my heart, and no one let alone something so stupid take you away from me . I made a huge mistake and I'm sorry. Please take me back, I understand if you don't. It's just I love you to the moon and back, and i don't think I could live without you. You're the only girl i've ever fell for, you take my breath away. You stole my heart, and I'm not saying I want you. I'm saying I need you. I wouldn't be anything without you. You're my everything. I haven't slept at all since the day I made the worst mistake of my life. I need you, Maddie. Are you willing to give me another chance. I want our infinty to last a lifetime, and the only way that can happen is if i have my soulmate. You're the only thing that maked me happy. Please?"

You were in tears.

"Of course."

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