Imagine #24 ; Hayes Grier

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requested by ; @EllaBarbry

You threw another paper ball in the trash bin beside your desk. Your art teacher had everyone start a protect of something that they love. Not to even mention, its due tomorrow morning.

You kept drawing random people in history. They all ended up looking like giraffes.

Right now you were trying to draw Marilyn Monroe. It was turning out well, until you got to the beauty mark by the upper-left lip. You were udderly horrible at drawing perfect circles, and of course you messed up.

You crumbled the sheet of paper up and threw it at the trash bin. At least you knew you had some type of potential in basketball.

You waited for the swish of the paper hitting the garbage bag, but instead it connected with your best friend, Hayes', face.

"Why do you always throw things at me, meanie.", he yelled as the pairs of eyes on him grew in numbers. He took the seat beside you.

"What're going to draw from the love-project", he asked quietly. He had a hint of hope in his eyes, though you didn't know why. You shrugged and he nodded.

The school bell rung and everyone fled the school. You decided to go to Hayes' house and play video games with him.

You and him walked to his house, which was about a block away.

Y'all played video games for about 3 hours straight, then decided to watch a movie. He put it on Netflix, y'all ended up watching 'Haunting In Connecticut'.

There was only one couch to you had to cuddle, which was okay because it felt right.

Then you thought, wow did I really just think that.

He fell asleep half-way into the movie. While he was asleep you took in his features.

His beautiful black, long eyelashes. The gorgeous black outline of his eyes. The amazing blue eyes that everytime you look into you get lost. His dark complection. His perfect tan. His very large height that makes you look up at him. His amazing body. His abbs. His muscles. And last but not least his perfect pink and plump lips that just drag you in. His everything.

You finally realized it you were in love with Hayes Grier, you're best friend.

You grabbed your sketch book and started to draw.

The next day when you handed it, you had no regret.

You got it back, graded later in the day.

So, you waited all day until finally it art class.

The art teacher, Mrs. Michaels, was handing out the papers.

"Mr. Grier", she looked at us both and gave Hayes his paper back, smiling.

"Mrs. Barbry", you got out of your seat and walked up to her desk. She handed you your paper and gave you a heart-warming smile. You walked back awkwardly and sat down at your desk.

"Hey Hayes, what'd you draw?", you asked.

"We both show on 3. 1.....2.....3!", you both flipped your papers around.

He drew you. He loved you.

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