imagine #91 ; taylor caniff

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requested by ; @dwalteyer_14

You layed on the couch, waiting for your boyfriend, Taylor , to come over because he apparently had a important talk to put upon you. Of course you were nervous , but you tried to stay calm even though your nerves were tore up at how serious he sounded on the phone.

You heard a knock at the door, you opened it to see Taylor. He was obviously anxious, considering the biting at his lip and the scratching of the back of his neck. He walked in and took a seat on the couch, you sat beside him looking into his eyes.

"Taylor, what'd you want to talk about?", you asked, grabbing his hand, he let go of yours and made a serious face. This was obviously something really serious, he seemed so distant all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, Destiny. We're gonna have to break up. Its better for you if we do. I'm sorry, I really liked you.", he said, barely above a whisper. You inhaled slowly and nodded, he had to do what he had to do.
"C-can I ask you why?", you stuttered, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Your lip began to quiver also, you knew you were gonna cry but you'd have to hold it in a bit longer.

"All the hate you're getting. I don't want this to happen to you, for you to constantly feel bad about yourself because of those who are jealous of you and decide to talk to you in a mean way. It kills me to know that they do this to you.", he said slowly, you took in every word.

"Really, Taylor? The hate isn't even getting to me, I haven't seen any of it because I don't look. It seems like its getting to you more then it is to me. Trust me, I'm a big strong girl and nobody can break me, especially some jealous twats over cyberspace.", you said raising your voice a little. What else were you supposed to do, you're hurt and angry.

"i- okay.", he said, his eyes lighting up.

"So what, you're still leaving me?", you whispered. He bit his lip cautiously, and let his head hang low.

"Look, I love you Desi. I love you more than anything and I can't give you up. No matter how hard I try, it isn't going to work. I'm sorry I doubted you and us. Will you forgive me and forget this ever happened?", he asked looking into your eyes with hope. Hope that you won't send him on his way for even having the mere thought of actually leaving you.

"Forgive and forget, right? Of course. I love you too, TayBaby.", he smiled, embracing you into his arms.

He was going to have to put a little more effort into trying to get rid of you, that's for sure. For now, neither of you are letting go.

a/n ;
when I get to 100 imagines I'm going to take a small break because I'm going to be writing a fan fiction.
I'm going to be updating a lot more until then,
imagine are now back open also.
anyways, hope you like it destiny.
- chelsea (:

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