Imagine #54 ; Matthew Espinosa

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requested by ; @different99

"Hey, babe.", you smiled at your boyfriend, Matt. He didn't respond.

"Matt?", you were getting really annoyed. He still didn't respond, he just stared plainly at the TV, ignoring your existence.

"Matt!", this time he turned towards you and just looked.

"What the hell is your problem?!", he facial expression changed into anger.

"You! Your my problem! I know you cheated on me with Carter. Im not fucking stupid.", you jumped at the tone of his voice.

"No, I didn't! I've already told you I didn't. You just fucking believe your crazy fans more then me!", you rolled your eyes.

"Why should I believe you?!", he screamed.

"Your fans will do anything to break us up, they're crazy for you. Yet, you still believe them over me, your own fucking girlfriend. That's pitiful.", A tear rolled down your cheek. He looked sincere for a moment, then it went back to anger.

"Correction. ex-girlfriend. We're through.", he said. He just threw 7 months down the drain over a lie.

Hot tears were rolling down your cheeks, you grabbed your phone and walked out of his apartment.

Its over.

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