Imagine #32 ; Hayes Grier

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requested by ; @mahomieforever2013

"How long are we going to keep us a secret?", you asked Hayes.

Hayes and you have been going out for 7 weeks now. Everything is going well, but no one knows. Not even his friends.

You're starting to think, he is keeping you a secret because you're not good enough for him.

"I don't know, Dawn. I just don't want you getting hate.", that was his excuse everytime. It was starting to get old.

Right now you were in Lunch. Hayes tried not to be seen with you as much as possible.

"Hayes, that excuse is now officially invalid, because of how many times you've used it. What're you trying to do?! I know im not good enough, but hayes I try as much as I can. You hide me, because im not good enough. I'll never be good enough.!"

And with that you stormed out of the lunch room. You ran into the girls' bathroom and let a few tears slip.

Later in the day your friend, Anna, came up to you.

"You're so lucky to have a boyfriend like Hayes.", wait what?

"How do you know?", you asked slowly.

"You didn't see?", she pulled out her phone and played a video.

It was a video of Hayes a few minutes ago, he was standing on the cafeteria table.

"Hey everyone! Im dating Dawn! She is perfect and I love her to death!"

You smiled and someone then hugged you from behind.

"Feel better now?"

magcon imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora