Imagine #55 ; Hayes Grier

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requested by // @ariisqueen

"Alright, good practice girls. Remember, the competition is in 2 days. Now go! Have fun!", coach yelled.

"Hey, Danielle, lets grab Brit and go down to the city walk.", you said smiling.

"Okay, we have to run there though. This competition is really soon and we need to burn the calories.", you nodded as your two best friends tied their shoes.

"Okay, let's go", y'all started running.

About 9 blocks later y'all were at the city walk.

"Lets stop and get a smoothie.", Danielle said.

Then al of a sudden a group of hot boys walked by. A few of them looked at you, but you only had your eye on one.

Then 3 of them started walking your way.

The one with a bandana walked to Danielle. (Taylor)

The one with the black hair and brown eyes walked to Brit. (Carter)

The one with the flip and gorgeous blue eyes walked up to you.

"Hey, Im Hayes.", he said smiling at you. You swear you were about to faint.

"Hey, Im Kaijah.", the main group of boys was laughing at something.

"Hey, Taylor, Carter, Hayes, we have to go.", said the main one.

"Hey, you should call me sometime. (xxx)-xxx-xxxx.", you put it into your phone and smiled. You have goodbye, and you parted ways.

Then your phone buzzed.

From ; Haaass

nice ass (; lol

You turned around and flicked him off. He laughed.

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