Erza vs Ayato and Lucy vs Venom

Comenzar desde el principio

Gray and Happy came running to our direction as the grey-eyed man got up and stared at us with an irritated expression on his face.

"Who do the hell you think you are, you pink haired clown?" He asked Natsu in very angry tone "I'll make you pay for that!"

And then, he charged at us again.


(Lucy p.o.v)

We arrived to the location where Nirvana should be. Jellal walked close to some large tree and placed his hand on it.

Just then, a large light bursted out of it and flew into the sky as the rest of us just stared in it in suprise.

"If we want to destroy the Nirvana, it needs to be unsealed first." Jellal told us "However, I need to you stand on guard while I complete the process."

The rest of us nodded and started to keep a look out for any intruders or the Oracion Seis bastards. While we were keeping watch, Kairi suddenly caught something with her nose.

"What's wrong?" Ur asked.

Kairi replied "I can sense someone is near." She then looked at one of the boulders and pointed at it "I believe they are hiding over there."

And then, Cobra came out of the hiding and walked towards us with his snake following closely.

"So, you have managed to bring him back to life." Cobra spoke "But you're pretty stupid to think I would allow you to destroy Nirvana after we went through all this trouble to unseal it. I will make sure this is the very last day of your lives."

Just then, two more people came. One of them is Oracion Seis leader while the other man is... Venom, who looked very pale. He must've been revived by his leader.

"Well, well, well. It seems these flies have come to suffer once again." Brain spoke.

Kairi raised an eyebrow "Oh, pardon me. But from what I remember is that we were kicking your asses before you and your lapdogs decided to run away right after when Jura and Ichiya showed up." She said "You dark guilds are all bark and no bite."

At that, Cobra was very irritated "Oh, you want to see how we bite? Allow me to demostrate." He said, dashing towards Kairi.

The two started to fight as Ur attacked Brain. As for me, I saw Venom flying towards me with large purple claws. He swung them at me, but I quickly requipped Goldbrand and blocked it.

However, the blade soon began to melt as I stared in shock. Then I got really angry and shot a glare at Venom who wad simply smirking.

"You bastard! I got this blade fixed yesterday and you just had to break it again!" I yelled in anger.

Venom was confused "Eh? Fixed? I've no clue what are you talking about."

Oh, that's right. He doesn't know that... wait a second. I just can't think about that or I'll get him in danger!

I simply ignored Venom's confusion and punched him straight in the face which made him stumble backwards.

He growled "Why you little... I will strangle you with my own two bare hands once I'm done with you!"

Venom then began swinging his claws at me, but I quickly dodged out of the way before he could even scratch me. I transformed into Star Dress: Aquila Form and rained down a thunderbolt onto Venom who was hit by it.

However, he came out of the blast unscratched which shocked me. He then began throwing daggers at me as I began dodging them.

As the daggers were flying towards me, I used lightning to take them out quickly before they could hit me after which I changed into Star Dress: Orion Form and fired at Venom with my dual pistols in hands.

He disappeared in a purple mist and then reappeared behind me, as the Black Cross Commander tried to scratch me with his long claws once more. I switched back to Star Dress: Aquila Form and fired lightning at him after which I changed back to my normal clothes and took out Sagittaurus' key.

I summoned him and ordered the archer to fire arrows at him. However, they were destroyed with a purple mist he let out. Then, he threw a dagger towards Sagittarius who was sent back hit by it and sent back to the Celestial World with one blow.

I was shocked and horrified by this, but decided to ignore it for now and continue fighting against Venom. He charged at me again with his claws and swung them at me again.

He nearly scratched me as I kept dodging them. I changed into Star Dress: Orion Form again and began firing at him. He was still unaffected by this due to the fact he is an undead.

I switched to Star Dress: Aquarius Form and launched water magic at the undead man. He tried to block it by creating that purple mist again, but it was in vain this time and he was sent flying away.

But I wasn't celebrating just yet because he teleported near me and swung his claws again. I dodged them and flipping backwards in the air while switching to the Star Dress: Saggitarius Form and firing Star Shot spell arrows at him. He was blasted by them and was sent flying backwards.

I looked towards Kairi who took her fight with Cobra up in the air with Tina carrying her, while Ur was still fighting against Brain with her ice-make magic.

Meanwhile, Venom began throwing poisonuous daggers at me. I took cover behind a boulder and prepared to fire at him when I get an opening.

Just then, Jellal casted Square of Self-Destruction spell onto the Nirvana much to Cobra's shock.

"You bastard! What do you think you are doing?!" He is asked in anger and a yell.

Jellal spoke "I've inserted a Square of Self-Destruction spell. In only few moments, the Nirvana will be blown up into pieces. This dangerous magic should never fall in the hands of others such as you."

However, Brain tched "Have you forgotten I am the one who taught you this magic, Jellal? I don't need a cancel code as long as I can just negate the effectiveness of the entire magic squa-" However, he was cut off by the punch from Ur.

"If you want to cancel that magic, you will have to go through me first!" The Wizard Saint shouted.

Brain looked at her in anger "If that is what you wish, so be it. Grovel before me!" He said launching a blast of magic at her.

Wendy released a Dragon Roar at Venom who was sent flying away once more, giving me a chance to blast him with some arrows.

I ran towards the kid and ruffled her head "Great job, Wendy!"

She smiled shyly and looked away "T-Thanks, Lucy."

However, Venom reappeared just right infront of us and stared with an unamused expression.

"Now that wasn't very nice. I feel very, very, VERY dizzy! I think you need to learn not to get yourself involved with an argument between adults, little girl!" He said with a sadistic smirk on his face.

I growled "You have a beef with me, you purple dressing freak! Leave the kid out of this!"

Now, he was amused "Oh, it looks like someone needs some spanking on their butt."

And then, he created two swords by using his Poison Magic.


A/N: Chapter finished. I hope you all haven't been waiting for this chapter too long. I got sidetracked. By the way, Ayato is based on either Sephiroth, the main villain of FF7 and its compilation, or Vergil who is the reccuring antagonist from Devil May Cry series. I wanted to create much better fight between him ad Erza, but I wasn't just feeling like it. So, I sincerely apologize. Anyways, see you all next time. Have a nice day!

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