Chapter 14:I know now.

Start from the beginning

"Well I heard him talking to you at the hospital."When she said that my eyes widened and I thought she is wrong after,but this imagination of mine,that Jimin held my hand,might not be so false after all.


"I came to see you at night after work and I saw someone sitting on that chair next to the bed you were.I couldn't recognize this person at first but then I thought that his face is familiar.I realized it was him after watching more carefully and hearing his voice."She sincerely said and I don't know why except from happy this started making me feel angry somehow.

"Was he holding my hand?"I asked her right away.

"Yes but how do you know that?"

"Why did he lie to me?"I whispered but my mom heard me.

"What do you mean.Tell me Allex."She seemed worried so I told her.

"That night I thought I was watching a dream about Jimin holding my hand and so the next day that he came to visit me I asked him if it was him.But he denied it.Why did he lie to me?"I said.I don't know why I'm somehow angry.

"You know I heard some of the things he said to you.And I think he is just not ready to tell you these in person.We can't always say what we think to others.And the same goes with you right?Can you say Jimin that you like him?"

"Mom how do you know that I lik-"

"It's written all over your face my baby.Do you understand what I said?"She asked me then and I nodded while looking down.

"Sorry I got a little annoyed for no reason I think."I admitted and she smiled.

"It's okay.Are you going to confess?"My eyes widened in the question and I looked at her.

"Mom....I don't know.I,before some weeks,was ready to tell him but then something happened and I wasn't able to."I said and she held my hand with both hers.

"What happened."I looked at her in hesitation."Tell me so I can help you."Then I understood that it's better to tell her.

"He liked another girl.A woman actually.He confessed but he got rejected.I think that he still hasn't gotten over it.I mean how can you get over something like this so quickly?"

"Allex the void between the species man and woman is the distance from the one side of the universe to the other.You might like him so much and it's really painful for you even to think the rejection.For him on the other side might have been just a small love which at last was rejected and okay he can get over it.And especially if he wasn't in love with her then I think he's already searching for something new.I don't know him but I know that most men are the same haha."She joked in the end which made me laugh a little.

"Haha no they're not the same mom.It's just that we have to find the one who is different in our eyes."I smiled and she patted my head.

"Now you get the whole point!"She smiled and I did too.She really helped me with this.I wish I could get the courage to tell her sooner.But no it's better that she told me these now.She really gave me courage.Thanks mom.






@brrrrr brrrrr@

"What the?"I whispered as I opened my eyes.I looked at the clock which I could barely see in the dark room and the hour is three o'clock in the morning."Who's calling at this hour?That's not for good!"I said and grabbed my phone."Who is it?"I said worried.

**Allex.Sorry I'm calling at this hour and I woke you up.**

Oh my is that Jimin?Why is he calling now?

"No it's okay.Why are you calling?Did something happened?Is everything alright?"I asked still worried.

**No don't worry everything is fine.I just finished practicing and I was wondering if you have anything to do tomorrow.We were supposed to go on a date as I have promised before but this accident happened and we weren't able to.It's Saturday so are you free in the morning?**

He called me at this hour only to tell me this?Why did he do that?That's weird.

"Yes...yes I'm free.But you could have called me tomorrow hehe.Anyway go to sleep now okay?"I insisted and I heard him chuckle through the phone.

**Sorry I just wanted to be sure.I'm used to be awaken this late and that's why I called you without second thought.Okay I'll come get you at 10,is that alright with you?**

"Yes it is.Okay see you tomorrow.Hurry and go sleep!You need to rest."

**Okay...good night.**

"Good night..."He didn't hung up.We just stayed there without talking then he finally hung up."What was that?"I whispered myself.My mom's words came to my mind."He likes you" she said but no I don't want to believe anything before he tells me himself.I don't want to believe in something and then get hurt.

Please let tomorrow be a wonderful day.

I hope they can finally go to thos date hehe.

I hope you liked it everyone...

Also I just wanted to say,you probably know about this,an Army died two days before.I've read what she wrote and she really was such a wonderful angel.He words are encouraging and beautiful for all of us.Her words show that we should all be good to each other and not hate.I just wanna say that I hope she is happy where she is now and she will always be a member of our fandom,of our beautiful family.

See you next time everyone...~

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