13. Amelia

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Chase was walking quietly. He looked like he was deep in thought and she didn't know what to say next. Where they running out of things to talk about? She hoped not. So far the conversation was going fairly well. She was finding out lots of interesting things about his life. This only made her want to know more.

On another note, She was extremely glad that she agreed to this hike. The path was diverse, smooth and level in some places, steep and rocky in others. There was one part that was designed like stairs and she made sure to step carefully when ascending. There were a few places that were tricky to navigate, owing to the fact that it was wet and slippery. Whenever they approached something that was a potential hazard, Chase let her go ahead of him and even had a hand ready to grab her if she fell. Luckily she didn't. So far so good, she thought.

The jungle was beautiful and quiet, there were a few bugs, but nothing too crazy. High up in the tree tops you could hear birds calling to each other. Overall, it was a pleasant experience. This was something she had never done before and she had Chase to thank for it. He was starting to make a difference in her life already and she'd only met him today. Imagine if he stayed in her life longer?

Earlier today when she was standing alone staring at the ocean she didn't think that these type of emotions would once again enter her heart and mind. Jack really did a number on her. She was wary of any new person she met after she finally got away from him.

She was eighteen when she moved from Florida to New York to attend college. One day while waiting in the line at a Starbucks near school, she met a cute guy. Jack was charming and he said all the right things in the beginning. They became friends and soon after they started dating. He was a native New Yorker and found her small town philosophies funny.

Early on in their relationship, her father walked out on her mother and stopped paying her tuition and board for school. Both she and her mother were stranded. She wanted to move back home to Florida to support her mom, but both Jack and her mother convinced her to remain in New York and finish school. She was broke and had nowhere to live. Jack offered to let her move in with him.

At first she was very against this idea. She delayed and tried to work something else out. She eventually got a job, but the salary was too little for her to pay rent and tuition. Without having any other options, she moved in with Jack into the apartment his parents bought for him. They were rich.

At first when they started living together everything was great. She had a job, a place to live and a supportive boyfriend. She was content. Then gradually Jack's attitude towards her started to change. He became malicious and unkind.

He would pick a fight for something stupid, make her upset and then try to apologize thinking it would make her feel better and they would be close again. This happened frequently. He didn't like the way she dressed, or the fact that she loved books and didn't party with him. He made everything he did for her seem like a favor she needed to repay in some form. He pretended to genuinely care for her, only to use everything he ever did as a means to manipulate her into staying in a toxic relationship.

Many nights he would go out for hours and not tell her where he was or who he was with. She spent hours not being able to sleep because she was worried when he didn't come home. He never gave any explanation. He had random girls calling him and when she asked him about it he always told her they were just friends; just friends who sent bikini clad pictures.

She knew that she had to move out and break up with him. He was bad for her. Because of him she started hating who she was. She thought that maybe he was right, maybe she was boring and dull and didn't know how to have a good time. She just couldn't formulate a plan to leave. She was worried that she wouldn't make it out there in a strange city all alone.

This was how it was for four years. She was in her final semester at college when he found out he was cheating on her. She found red lipstick stains on their bed. Amelia never went to bed wearing any makeup.

How could he? She thought. To bring another woman in their home, into the bed they shared for four years was unforgivable. She did everything for him and most times she forgave him when he was being unreasonable. She had finally had enough.

That very night she confronted him. It turned into a screaming match. He acted like he was the victim and then became violent. He starting knocking things over and trying to turn things around, accusing her of seeing someone else. When he grabbed her arm roughly and pushed her down, she fought her way out from his grip and decided it was time for her to leave him.

The next day she waited for him to leave the apartment As soon as he was gone, she packed everything she owned. She didn't have much, just two suitcases, and she checked into a cheap hotel.

She didn't know where to go from there. She remembered that Gracie was in New York for an internship position and decided to call her. She broke down in tears at the sound of her best friend's voice. It was suddenly all too much and Gracie reminded her of home and family.

Amelia got lucky. Gracie's roommate was moving out at the end of the month and she needed someone to help her with the rent. They agreed that Amelia could move in with her things right away.

It felt like everything was a blur when she reflected back on those days. What she remembered most was the nightmare of getting Jack to leave her alone. He tracked her down and threatened her. She eventually had to get a restraining order and sometimes she still didn't feel safe.

This was why she was so confused by her feelings towards Chase. What about him made her let her guard down so easily? She really wanted to know and hoped that she could find out.

 What about him made her let her guard down so easily? She really wanted to know and hoped that she could find out

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