41. Amelia

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She felt her body heat up as she became lost in his kiss. He was doing amazing things with his hands and mouth. With her eyes closed, she lost contact with time and the world around her. She was one hundred present adrift in the sea of passion that he created when he touched her.

She certainly never felt this way before. It was like she had been waiting her whole life just for him. All her emotions clicked and fell into place now that he was a part of her life. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that they were meant to be. It was destiny in some form. If they hadn't met now, they would have met at some point in their lives.

She was breathless and gasped as he also came up for air. He dialed down the intensity of kissing her by peppering her face with small kisses. First he kissed the corner of her lips, then her cheek, then jaw, then neck, then collar, and then her shoulders. He rested his head at the place of his final kiss and stayed hugging her for a couple minutes.

She wove her fingers in the hair at his nape and held him closely. Amelia found peace in the silence and calmness of the moment.

After a while he raised his head and looked into her eyes. He smiled lovingly.

"Spend tomorrow with me?" He asked innocently.

"Sure," she replied.

"I'm asking for all day, the full twenty four hours," he clarified.


She was a little taken aback. She already knew she wanted to spend time with him, but his request was a bit strange. Nevertheless, she felt herself looking forward to it.

"There's just so much I want to show you...tell you..." he paused.

"Tell me?" She questioned.

"Yes Li. I want you to know as much about me as you can in such a short time. You can ask me anything. You know that? Don't you?"

"I didn't really think of it, but ok. I promise to ask lots of questions."

She giggled as she pictured herself following him around, like a persistent interviewer.

He kissed her nose in response and she giggled some more.

"We should get back," he said with a heedless tone.

Amelia sighed. They really should get back. The staff would have finished setting up by now and the reception would be starting once everyone was there. Though it was a small party, they should still be punctual in honor of Derek and Gracie.

He released her and she patted her hair and straightened her dress and jewelry. He also fixed his tie and his shirt. Anyone could see that they both looked a little tousled. She would need to reapply her lipstick for sure.

They walked back to the tent innocently as if they hadn't just been making out with each other.

Everyone was already there. She noticed Janet was talking to Paul and there was a dreamy look on her face. Paul on the other hand was paying rapt attention to her every word. Amelia could see what Janet meant. There was certainly an attraction between them.

Turning her head, Amelia saw Gracie laughing at something Derek said. She looked so happy today. Since they were kids they always dreamed of getting married and being in each other's wedding. However, it was Amelia who always wanted the beach wedding. Gracie always dreamed of something more formal like a hall, or something on an open lawn.

Her second dress was stunning. It was short but very graceful. It was a breaded white dress, sporting a deep V-neck, thin straps and a side slit. She paired it with white stilettos and changed her hair to a low chignon. All together she looked dazzling and thrilled to be married.

They walked in and Gracie beckoned her over.

"Well, where did you two run off to?" Gracie asked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"What makes you think that I was with him?" She responded innocently.

"Well, for starters you two came in together. Plus he can't stop glancing your way."

"Darn it. Yeah, we took a break from the wedding atmosphere. We weren't gone that long."

With a low tone Gracie said, "Aren't you glad that you agreed to meet him yesterday? I told you he was great! When are you going to admit that I was right?"

"Fine, you were right. I guess you know me more than I know myself. Did I say thank you for always looking out for me?"

"Sweetie, you don't need to thank me. Just be happy."

This brought tears to Amelia's eyes and she blinked rapidly to chase them away. She was happy and even if this whole thing with Chase was not forever, at least she got to be happy for a little while. It was worth it. In fact, he was worth it. The best feeling ever was seeing the look in his eyes right before he kissed her. He made her feel as if she was the most important thing to him. The way he was with her was so caring and gently. It was something she never had before.

That thought brought on some sadness when she remembered how rough and harsh Jack used to be with her. She never knew that men could be so gentle and caring. She had missed out on so much, being in a relationship with that idiot. She often hated her past self for being stupid enough to fall for Jack's false demeanor. It's terrible to be young and naïve. She really hoped all that was now behind her and she could move on and be the kind of woman who was wise and strong.

They all took their seats around the table. Conveniently Amelia was seated next to Chase. No surprise there. He must have done some rearranging because she could have sworn that her name card was opposite his, on the other side of the table.

His hand brushed against hers under the table. She open her palm and he covered it with his, gently resting their interlocked hands on his thigh. She could feel the way his muscles tightened when she stroked the inside of his leg. He shifted a bit and gave her a cautionary glance. She wonder what would happen if she reached a bit lower and grasped him there.

He squeezed her hand in a fair warning. Apparently he was onto her. She giggled and drank some water hastily to stifle a sudden outburst of laughter that was on the verge of escaping.

She enjoyed teasing him. It was delightful to watch him attempt to remain calm, when he was oh so close to loosing control.

 It was delightful to watch him attempt to remain calm, when he was oh so close to loosing control

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This is my first story here. Please read, comment, vote share.
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💕Lots of LOVE.💕.

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