14. Chase

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The hike was going well Chase thought. Amelia didn't fall so far. He was on guard whenever the path became precarious. He had promised her that this was safe and he was going to make sure of it. He didn't want her to get hurt.

He prayed that it didn't start raining, then he might really have something to worry about. Spontaneous rainfall was normal in a jungle like this. The trail would be even more slippery and she wasn't wearing the right foot wear. Neither was he. Now that he thought of it, they both weren't prepared for an activity like this. But sometimes in life you needed to take chances. That was exactly that Chase was doing. He was taking a chance that this amazing girl might develop feelings for him.

It was funny how he already felt so protective of her. She was starting to mean something to him as this day progressed. He knew that when the wedding was over and they went back to their normal lives, he would want to continue seeing Amelia. He only hoped she felt the same. He wouldn't be able to forget her after she awakened a part of him that he thought had died with Robin.

The conversation had dwindled and he was thinking of what he should say next. Now that he knew she was single he felt that had a chance with her.

He cleared his throat, "Amelia, that's a beautiful name, by the way."

"Thanks, I get that a lot," she said.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, it happens all the time. It's a popular name, Amelia Earhart, Amelia Island in Florida..." She trailed off.

"At least your name has good associations." He chuckled, "when I was in school kids use to make fun of my name."

"Awww, that's terrible." She sounded apologetic. "What did they say?"

"Well, the one I got all the time is that it's a good name for a dog."

She gasped, "No! That's just mean. I think you have an excellent name."

"Thanks, so tell me Amelia..."

He liked saying her name. She smiled ever so slightly when he did.

"What do you enjoy doing in your free time?"

"Me? I like books and watching movies."

She sounded like she was being careful with her answers.

"Oh, what kind of books are you into?"

"Anything really, just as long as it's interesting. How do you feel about books?" She asked.

"I read occasionally if I find something interesting."

"Let me guess, adventure books?" She laughed.

"How did you know?" He asked sarcastically.

They both chuckled.

God, just being here with her made him feel weightless, as if everything was perfect in his life. That was far from the truth. There was a lot that he worried about. He guess that some of that worry would be gone once Derek was married. Chase wouldn't have to constantly check up on him. Gracie would make sure that Derek was OK and stayed away from anything life threatening.

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