53. Amelia

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Swimming! They were going swimming! She could swim. But she was always afraid of large bodies of water. The ocean was too vast and large waves always made her feel as if they would sweep her away. However, she wasn't going to admit any of this to Chase.

She could see the twinkle in his eyes and knew he was up to something. Whatever it was, she wasn't going to ruin it. Let him have his fun. Besides, he was careful with her. She trusted him. If this was some kind of adventure she knew he was going to make sure she was safe. He'd already done that once.

After breakfast, they went back to her room so she could get some clothes.

She decided between the two bathing suits she'd packed. One was a white two piece bikini and the other was a pink, floral one piece. She selected the one piece, it was the lesser of the two evils. She grabbed a pair of blue jean shorts and her white sandals.

In the bathroom, she applied some blush, mascara and lip-gloss. She brushed her hair out and spritz some perfume on her neck and wrists. She was ready to go.

Chase was waiting outside in a rented car. She was a little shocked that he'd managed to do all this in such a short time. Like when did he rent a car? She didn't ask questions. She was just going with the flow of things. She got the feeling that he was a bit spontaneous. She didn't mind it at all. Things were exciting with him. She was enjoying the change of pace from her regular mundane life.

He gave her a dazzling smile when she entered the car.

"Ready babe?" He asked excitedly.

"Let's go," she confirmed.

The drive was long but the views were magnificent. They passed steep cliffs overlooking the bluest water she'd ever seen. There were rolling hills in the distance and the sides of the road was scattered with tropical plans and trees in various shades of green. Even the people were part of the magic of this island. They were smiling faces all around.

Briefly she imagined a life here. Could she live her? She didn't see why not. She could easily make a life for herself here, perhaps with Chase. She lost herself in that fantasy while a calm breeze ruffled her hair.

It was the cool touch of his hand taking hers that brought her back to the present. He'd taken her hand in his and rested it on his thigh. Somehow it felt like it belonged there.

He gave her a sexy grin and she realized that he was the man of her fantasies come to life. She saw everything she'd always wanted in his eyes. He was kind and sweet and she could tell he cared for her very much.

She suddenly had a feeling that he was too good to be true. Like, how was it possible that everything felt perfect? She was living in a movie. Nothing was ever this picture perfect. She meant to enjoy every second of being with him before she left tomorrow.

They had arrived at Shark's Cove. The drive hadn't felt like it was that long. Time with him went by quickly. Perhaps because she was happy and for once she wasn't worrying about the direction her life was heading in.

After he parked the car, they got their gear and the food and made their way onto the beach. They walked side by side, holding hands, with the crashing waves in the background. They scouted the sand for the perfect spot. A secluded area near some rocks looked promising. They headed towards it and settled down.

The sun was blinding and it was dreadfully hot. However, being this close to the ocean, she didn't feel the heat. It was very pleasant and she enjoyed the cool breeze that wafted through her hair.

"So are you ready?" Chase asked with a wicked grin.

"For what exactly?" She questioned.

He'd removed his shirt and was standing before her In only his swim shorts. The sun hit his bare chest at such an angle that it appeared as if it were glowing. Her eyes roamed over the firm planes, following the single line of hair that disappeared under the waistband of his pants.

He was beautiful. Sometimes he took her breath away and she couldn't find words. She was having one such moment right now, for he was talking but her brain couldn't process anything expect how hot he was.

"Huh?" She asked blinking.

"We're going snorkeling. You'll need to take your pants off," He said while giving her a cheeky grin.

"And what if I don't want to?" She teased.

"In that case, I'll take them off for you."

He sprinted towards her and she turned to run away. But he was too fast and grabbed her around the waist from behind. He wrapped his hands around her and inched his fingers towards the zipper on her shorts. He slowly pulled the zipper down and then wedged his hands inside her pants and proceeded to push them off her hips. His hot breath on her neck caused her heart to speed up.

Omg, she thought, why does he have to make everything so erotic?

As her pants dropped to the ground, she spun around in his arms and kissed him deeply. Running her hands over his bare chest she heard his groan as he pulled her closer.

Being in his arms, kissing him like this made her head swim. She felt lightheaded and glorious. She thoroughly enjoyed the feel of his mouth on hers. He had lifted her off her feet. She giggled when he set her back down.

"Promise me you'll always kiss me like that," he said breathlessly against her mouth.

"You better stick around to find out," she challenged.

"There is nowhere else I'd rather be, than right here with you."

She looked into his eyes and saw the raw emotion that was staring right at her. She knew he meant those words and he wasn't just saying them because of the moment. She suddenly felt a huge lump in her throat.

Why did she feel everything so deeply with him? It was like he was able to reach deep into her soul and extract the person she always tried to hide away from the world. His words, his touch, his mannerisms all connected to the very fiber of her being. She was at a lost to explain how this was possible.

The only thing she knew for sure was that, now that she had him, she never wanted to live one day without him.

The only thing she knew for sure was that, now that she had him, she never wanted to live one day without him

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Hello everyone,

Sorry I've been M.I.A lately. It's just life and everything that's been happening. I've rarely felt inspired to write anything these past weeks. But tonight I felt a small spark of creativity and decided to give Chase and Amelia a shot. Hopefully this chapter was a pleasant read and I didn't stray too far away from their story.

Please read and comment and vote. Share your honest opinion. I'm always open to commentary and suggestions.

Thank you for your support.
Xoxo - MA ❤️❤️❤️

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