93. Amelia

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It was a strange feeling to be engaged. It would be even stranger to be someone's wife. Amelia kept glancing at the ring on her finger every time she saw her hands. It was like a flashing light, grabbing her attention even when she wasn't thinking of it.

It was beautiful and she was in love with it. She didn't know how he knew, but the design was something she would totally pick. It looked like it belonged there on her finger. Funny how you know something fits perfectly when you see it in place. This was her destiny. Chase was her one true love. As long as he loved her, nothing else matters. They would figure it out together. This was her life now. No more letting the past overshadow her future.

There were some personal issues she needed to work on. Now that she thought about it, why did she hesitate to say yes when he proposed? It seems like the most insane thing to do. Why wouldn't she want to marry him. He is the most amazing person. When she met him, it felt like her life was illuminated with light. For the first time, the darkness started to recede.

After the proposal they continued making dinner and spoke about things wedding related. There were both so excited and they couldn't keep their happiness contained. The rest of the evening was packed with much laughter and giddy joy. They had many discussions about plans for the future.

When it came to the wedding, they were both on the fence about what kind of ceremony they'd prefer. Personally she didn't want anything too grand. She just wanted it to be as intimate as possible. It was one way to preserve the magic of their union and everything about Chase always felt magical to her.

Chase mentioned getting married as soon as possible. He didn't want to wait too long. He said it was because he already waited his whole life for her and didn't want to wait any more than necessary to call her his wife. He gave her a dazzling smile and a promising wink and she felt her heart flutter inside her chest.

She loved the way he made her feel. She loved being in love. She loved having someone love her so unconditionally. It really was the best feeling in the whole world. She was starting to wonder what she did to deserve this much happiness in her life. The fact that two random people, worlds apart, were able to find each other and connect so deeply, is truly something rare and beautiful. She prayed that their love would survive the test of time and that she would still feel this way about him fifty years from now.

They spent the rest of that weekend cuddled warmly in bed. There wasn't much to do outside, because of the weather. However, their room had floor to ceiling glass windows that provided a spectacular view of the snow covered woods beyond. When the curtains were pulled back, the effect was breathtaking and made you forget that you're actually inside.

A question popped into her head as they were laying in bed the next evening.

Chase was wrapped around her.

Turning over to face him, she asked, "what would you have done if I'd said no?"

He took a moment to answer.

"Honestly...I'm not sure."

"You don't know?" She asked in disbelief.

"Well...a number of things could have happened."

"Well which one do you think would have been the mostly likely to happen?"

"I would have begged you to change your mind," he instantly replied.

"And what if that didn't work?" she prompted.

After a long pause he said, "then if that's what you really wanted, I'd have left you alone. After all, I can't love you and force you to do something against your will."

"So you're capable of walking away?"

"I can be, if that's what makes you happy. It might kill me, but I would do it if that's what you want."

"Why are you willing to sacrifice so much for me?"

She almost didn't ask that question, because she was scared of the answer. Some part of her still felt like she didn't deserved to be loved this way. That maybe she was too broken for him to try to mend.

"Do you know what it feels like to be so dead inside? That nothing sparks even the smallest bit of joy?" He asked.

"I might have some idea."

His voice took on a tone filled with raw emotion, "That's where I was in my life when I met you. I had given up on so many things. There were always women, but I didn't feel anything for them. After a while, they all moved on, and I was starting to like it that way."

She turned so that she was facing him, "I love you," she said softly.

"I love you more baby."

"You know, sometimes this feels like a dream, like it's not happening to me," she confessed.

"Which parts are unreal?"

"The part where you make everything feel magical."

"Well love is the closest that we can get to magic."

"You really believe that?"

"Yes, I do and you're my proof."

"How?" She asked.

"Do you remember when I told you I love you for the first time?"

"Yes, on the beach, at the wedding."

"In that moment, when I said those words, I felt like I was set free. I was someone different, but it was someone I've always wanted to be. For the first time I felt like I did something right. There was magic in that moment for me."

He glanced at her shyly and she could see that it took strength to say those words aloud. There was a mysterious glint of emotion in his eye.

She lightly caressed the side of his face, and he closed his eyes and leaned into her palm.

She was speechless. There really wasn't anything left to say after he'd bared his heart to her. She cuddled in closer and closed her eyes, welcoming sleep. They lay wrapped around each outer, with silence wrapped around them. She found solace in his arms and comfort in his words.

Finally, she felt free. Her heart was safe and content. There wasn't anything else she needed to fill it.

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Xoxo - M.A

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