34. Chase

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He was walking down a long winding road. He was alone. There was nothing around, no cars, and no people. He wasn't sure how he got there. What he did know was that the love of his life was waiting for him. She was just around that bend in the road up ahead. All he needed to do was to get there as fast as possible. He felt that if he didn't get there fast enough she would leave and he didn't want that.

He started walking faster, but got distracted by the scenery. It was fall and the trees were at their peak of changing color. He was surrounded on both sides by rich amber and russet leaves. Hues of reds, golds and greens formed a massive canopy overhead as he walked down this long road. There was a light wind and he could hear the rustling of the branches as they swayed and brushed each other. The air had a distinctive chill and be shoved his hands deeper into his pockets. He quickened his steps.

Why was it taking so long to get there? It was just around the corner. He must hurry up. He couldn't miss this opportunity to see her beautiful face. Please, don't let her leave, he pleaded to some unknown force.

Suddenly he was transported to the bend in the road. The long distance that he needed to walk was converted into a shorter one in a fraction of a second. He looked around and felt his heart grip when he didn't immediately find her. She was supposed to be here, he thought sadly. Where did she go?

He turned left, then right, looking for her figure. Finally he saw her. She was dressed in a lovely red dress. It came down to her knees and moved when she moved. The hem swished around her legs and swayed with her hips. She had her arms out, head throw back, face pointed towards the sun. She had the most beautiful hair. It was long and went all the way down her back. It ruffled in the wind as she twirled and let the sunshine warm her.

This was the moment he'd been waiting for. Without wasting anymore time he immediately ran to her side. He scooped her up by wrapping and arm around her small waist and pulled her against his body. She was finally where she belonged. He took her chin and turned her face towards his for a kiss.

Amelia smiled gleefully up at him as he bent towards her lips. He squeezed her tighter as their lips touched. He savored every second of her lips pressed against his. She kissed him back lightly, but then started to pull away, struggling to break free.

What was happening? Why was she pushing him away? He didn't understand. He loved her. He would do anything to make her happy. Why wasn't she happy here with him? She kept struggling and her face contorted with pain. He couldn't stand to see that expression on her lovely face. Sadly, he let her go. Her face grew smaller and smaller as she went farther and farther away from him. He was paralyzed with sorrow and couldn't move. He stood watching her in the distance until he couldn't see her form anymore. When she was completely gone he felt a feeling of great despair. Clutching his head in his hands, he sank to his knees as sobs wracked his body.

Chase startled awake and it took a moment for him to recognize his surroundings. The dream was so vivid and he feared he'd lost Amelia forever. He inhaled deeply in relief as he realized that Amelia was right beside him. But something was wrong, she was thrashing around in her sleep. She cried out painfully in fear and moaned in agony. Amelia appeared to be having a bad dream too. He had to wake her.

He started shaking her gently. She wasn't responding. She was in the depths of this nightmare and it had sunk its claws deep into her, holding her captive. He felt helpless when he called her name and she didn't respond.

"Lia, Li."

He shook her by the shoulders and gently cupped her cheek, as he continued to call her name. She kept on struggling in the nightmare, locked in a world only she had access to. A world that seemed to be taking its toll on her.

A few minutes passed. He continued in his attempts to wake her. Then finally, she blinked open with a gasp. He asked if she was ok and she responded "yeah," but the look on her face was uncertain. She clutched him tightly and he let her. He held her in his arms and continued to offer comfort by stoking her hair and planting small kisses on her face and neck. He hoped this would help her to regain control of her mind. They lay quietly as her phone beeped constantly somewhere inside the room. It was background noise at this point. He didn't have the energy to find it and turn the alarm off.

After a while she cleared her throat and said, "sorry."

She sounded so meek and he wanted to tell her she needn't be uncomfortable around him. He understood that she might be hiding from some kind of unpleasant past. After all, he had just woken from the pits of his own demons.

He needed time to take that dream apart and figure out what his subconscious was trying to say. He knew what it was hinting at, but didn't want to go down that mind bending rabbit hole. It was too early for that.

He took Amelia's hand and kissed her fingers.

"Li, you don't need to say sorry. It was just a dream."

"I know, it's just...everything felt so real."

"Yeah, I can relate. Anyway, I believe your phone is going to kill itself if we don't shut it up."

She laughed and grabbed it off the night stand, finally silencing that irritating alarm.

"Its five forty five already," She announced. "Hair and makeup starts at six. I'm supposed to meet Gracie at her room."

Chase yawned.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to meet Derek too."

They both reluctantly got out of bed and Chase started getting dressed. Before he left he took her in his arms and gave her a long hug. He kissed her lips softly.

"I'll miss you."

She smiled, "I'll see you later."

With a sigh and a heavy heart, he released her and went through the door. He couldn't wait to be with her again.

 He couldn't wait to be with her again

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Hello everyone,

Thanks for reading. What are your thoughts on where things are heading with these two. Please let me know.

-MA ❤️

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