94. Chase

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He was engaged, although for the the second time, this time felt right. It felt like everything was finally falling into place in his life. It was like he had finally found the path that god intended for him and from here on out, his life with Amelia would be smooth sailing. He only hoped that the rest of his days are filling with happiness and joy as he shared new experiences with her. She was everything. There was no living without her.

Chase spent the rest of their weekend marveling at the fact that she said yes. He was over the moon that he didn't get rejected. He saw the fear in her eyes and the exact moment when she was going to run from him. But in that moment, he was willing to plead with her on his knees. This was a good thing, she just needed to have some faith in him. Now that he was given the chance, he wasn't going to do anything to let this chance escape him. He had lost it all in the past and there was a part of him that feared the same would happen again. She was the most important thing to him, and he knew that he was going to make her believe it too, no matter what it takes.

They had a wedding to plan. Though they couldn't agree on the details, one thing was for sure, it was going to be soon and it was going to be a small affair. That would make it more intimate. If it were up to him, he would make it just the two of them and the priest. But he couldn't do that to his mom and Derek. He would never hear the end of it, plus Amelia never met his mom. He knew that his mom would love her. She would like anyone who made her son happy. After all, she was the one pushing him to meet people all these years. She would be overjoyed that he finally did it. He should call her. It's been a while. He planned to do so as soon as he could.

Right now he was driving back home. They had weathered the snow storm, and though it was over, roads were still slippery. He had another hour of driving before they were home. He glanced over to Amelia, his fiancé, his for life. He couldn't want anything more than having her in his life.

She looked lost in some all consuming thought. She was staring out at the white landscape that rushed past them, occasionally chewing on her bottom lip. She did that sometimes when she was deep in contemplation of something or the other. It was cute, but he always wondered what she was thinking about.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked.

She looked at him and smiled, "nothing really...just thinking."

"Of?" he prompted.


"What about us?" he asked, desperate to know.

She sighed, "sometimes I can't believe that you're real," she admitted.

He chuckled, "Oh, I'm real baby."

He reached over and took her hand in his, bringing it to his mouth for a soft kiss on her folded fingers.

She smiled shyly. He loved watching her react to him. It doesn't matter how many intimate things they've already done together, she is still shy and tries to hide it. He loved that about her. On a deeper level he felt that she was such an innocent girl and he didn't know why the world couldn't have been kinder to her. Life truly sucked sometimes. Why did bad things happen to good people? Why did they have to happen at all? He hated to think that she blamed herself for some of the things that happened to her. How did he make her see that she wasn't at fault, that whatever happened to her wasn't because of anything she did. He guessed it would take time. Just like how it took him time to move on from his past relationship.

"Did you think about what kind of wedding you'd like?" He asked.

"I did actually," she said immediately. She sounded excited.

He was surprised. He didn't think she had much time to mull over the whole idea of marriage. But she sounded very eager and he was thrilled.

"Tell me," he prompted.

"Well...it's February and freezing cold, I was wondering if you'd mind waiting until it's warmer, for an outdoor wedding?"

"I'm down with anything that makes you happy."

"Great, so I was thinking May, in the spring."

"I'd like that."

"Great, we can have lots and lots of tulips," she said smiling.

"We can have anything you want baby."

"This is all very new to me, i'm sorry for making you think that I might say no."

"Well you didn't and that's what's important."

"Sometime I think that I don't know how to do relationships, like what if I'm not cut out to be anyone's wife."

There was a touch of sadness in her confession and she was still staring outside, as if contemplating how to be a wife.

He pulled over. This warrants him stopping.

"Why are you stopping?" She asked.


He unbuckle his seat belt and turned towards her. Leaning over her took her face in his hands, ensuring that she looked at him.

"Amelia I don't expect you to change any part of yourself just because I asked you to marry me. I love this version of you, and if this version doesn't know how to do relationships or any of that stuff, that's ok, because I love you."

"But what if..." she started.

There were no what ifs so he leaned in further and kissed her. He kissed her slowly and then deeply, pouring his feelings into her. She must know that he really didn't care about anything as long as he had her. They would figure it out together. After all, wasn't that what life really was? One big puzzle that you had to solve as you make your way through. There was no handbook on how to do anything. Also one known solution doesn't always work. Life is constantly changing and you have to learn how to keep up and tackle issues as they pop up. There was no one else he'd rather do any of that with. To him she was perfect, she was meant for him and he'd been waiting his whole life just to find her and get started. Now he was ready for anything life threw at him. He was in love and somehow that made him feel invincible. He could do anything, withstand anything, just as long as he had Amelia by his side.

 He could do anything, withstand anything, just as long as he had Amelia by his side

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Hi all,

Wow it's been long. I'm so sorry. Life happened to me. Besides trying to live, I've been trying to survive.

Hope this chapter brings you joy. Hope you are still with me even after all this time.

- Xoxo❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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