5. Amelia

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He was asking her questions. Almost like a job interview she thought. What did that mean exactly? Was he trying to get to know her? She felt a spark of joy at that thought. She felt unsure of this whole thing, but what she did know was that she definitely wanted to know more about him.

Normally she was a very private person and didn't let people in until she decided she can trust them. Yet he was a complete stranger and she found it very easy talking to him. Almost as if she already knew him. Very unexpected. As a matter of fact, everything about this whole trip was unexpected.

She sighed internally. The scavenger list might take a while since they had to go all over the island. She calculated it would take a couple hours before today's part was completed. That meant she had an opportunity to be alone with him.

She supposed that this was good. She had some time still to decide if she wanted this, wanted him. He certainly was appealing so far. He was even flirting with her a tiny bit. Perhaps he was interested in her too.

Maybe Gracie was right and he would be good for her. What did she have to loose anyway? She was single and starting over. She needed to start somewhere, with someone and he seemed like a very good place to begin. When was she ever going to be presented with an opportunity like this again?

He was very handsome and she was definitely physically attracted to him. She hoped that they didn't run out of things to talk about...sometime that happens, she mused.

As they walked she told him, "I like the sound of adventure, but I can never find myself doing any of those things you mentioned before. I'm a little bit accident prone," she admitted.

"How so?" He asked with one eyebrow raised. She could tell that he genuinely wanted to know.

Looking down at her toes because she was suddenly embarrassed, she said "things just happen to me. I fall down a lot."

That was a fact. She didn't know why but she had a habit of dropping things and tripping over her own two feet. Accidents just loved her.

Laughing he said, "Really? You seem to be doing just fine so far. I didn't even see you trip once."

"That's probably because I'm right next to an adventure buff. You may have a super power to ward off the accidents."

He chuckled and she liked the sound of it a lot. It was a kind of deep baritone which sounded impulsive and free. It was causing a weird but pleasant feeling to build somewhere in her stomach. Omg, where are these thoughts coming from? She needed to be careful.

He stopped suddenly and said, "Look!" He picked something up and showed it to her.

"A white Sea shell. That was easy, item number one found."

"Great, what's next," she asked.

"Driftwood," he responded while pocketing the shell. "We're going to need a bag or something to put these."

She didn't have any. While getting dressed this morning the last thing she thought she would be doing was exploring an island. She'd worn a short casual yellow summer dress that buttoned down the front and comfortable sandals. Completing the outfit was a small cross body bag to store her phone and other essentials. If she'd known she would be doing this, she might have opted for shorts and a t-shirt instead.

He too was dressed as if he expected to spend most of his day at the bar. White button down short sleeved shirt, slightly fitted and khaki shorts, paired with brown loafers, which looked kind of new. She admired the way his shirt stretched over his biceps as he removed his hand from his pocket. She could tell that he was also a gym buff. A guy didn't get that ripped by sitting down all day.

"I saw some wood over by those trees earlier today," she said pointing to the right. His eyes followed the direction she was pointing at.

"OK, I'll just run and grab a small piece then" he said. "No need for you to walk all the way over there, just wait here for me, I'll be quick," and he started walking towards the trees.

She watched him as he walked swiftly away. At the sight of his retreating figure, she felt a sudden twinge of disappointment that he was no longer next to her. A part of her wanted him to hurry up and come back. It felt wrong standing here alone without him.

Oh God, what was happening to her? Why him? What was so special about him?

She took a deep breath and looked away from him. She turned to stare at the ocean as a distraction, focusing on a ship that was way out in the water. She began to reflect on her confusing emotions.

He was the first guy to make her feel this way since the disaster of her last relationship, and that was two years ago. It was a long time ago, but she didn't expect to have these types of feelings again for any man. Chase made her forget all the reasons why she was against dating. He was making her question her decision to remain single and stay clear of all men.

In truth, she wasn't totally against love and knew that there were still some good men left in the world. It's just that she never came across a man who didn't make her feel wary in some manner. Most times you can tell from the first interaction who a person really was. Her past experiences had taught her to listen to her instincts. She believed that by doing this she would prevent herself from getting hurt again.

So far she wasn't detecting anything bad about Chase and that was certainly a first for her. Plus, he came as a recommendation from Gracie. These were all good.

Was the universe trying to give her a sign? Could he be the one she'd been waiting for? The one who would make her see that love was still a possibility in her life? If that were true, it would definitely explain why she felt this deep connection to him.

Looking off into the distance, she decided that she would do this. She would give it a chance and see where it leads.

 She would give it a chance and see where it leads

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💕Lots of LOVE.💕

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