38. Chase

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After confessing what was really bothering him to Derek, Chase felt a little less worried. Derek was patient and helped him to see that he was only feeling this way about Amelia because loosing Robin was unexpected. That was one of the darkest time in his life and he knew that he wasn't healed from the experience. It will always cause him pain and regret. However, he wished he could just forget that part of his life and start fresh with Lia. Sadly, life doesn't work that way.

He had taken a shower and gotten dressed, beige suit paired with a light blue shirt. The whole time he was thinking of Amelia and the night they shared together. Never in a million years did he expect to want someone as badly as he wanted her. She was like a drug and slowly becoming an addiction to him.

As he combed his hair and straightened his tie he came to the realization that Amelia represented so much more than someone he desired. She was his second chance at love, maybe even marriage, or having a family of his own. He could easily see himself achieving all of that with her by his side. She was essentially his second chance at life.

In that moment he felt so grateful that God has granted him the opportunity to know her. He wanted to heal her and make her believe that she could trust him fully. He was going to do everything he could to make her happy. In the space of one day she'd become his entire world.

He put his shoes on and gave himself a one over in the mirror. Not bad, he thought. He couldn't wait to see Lia in her dress. He knew she would be dazzling.

"You're good?" Derek asked. There was a hint of concern in his tone.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Just take it one moment at a time, ok. If it's meant to be nothing will stand in your way."

"Wiser words have never been said," Chase told him.

"How the tables have turned brother. Look at me being the one to grant advice."

Derek laughed heartily.

"We better get going before you're late to your own wedding."

"True, I don't want to make Gracie upset."

"Wait," Chase said.

He'd almost forgotten. He had something for Derek.

"There's something mom made me promise to give you before the ceremony."

Chase fished around in his luggage and came back with a green box.


Chase handed over the box.

"Today you enter a lifetime commitment and mom wanted you to have something of dad's with you. He would have been so proud to see the man you've become."

Derek was standing shock still and his face was set in a way to hide his emotions. Chase knew how much this gesture meant to him. Their dad was a wonderful man and they both wanted to live up to his expectations.

"Open it," Chase prompted.

Derek flipped the box open to reveal their father's watch. It was a Rolex submariner, blue dial, blue bezel, on a stainless steel bracelet.

"Mom wanted me to have this?" Derek asked in a small voice.


"I always thought this was meant for you, since you know, you're older."

"It's yours Derek. There is no one else who would appreciate it more."

In a chocked voice Derek said, "Thank you."

He put the watch on and admired the way it rested on his wrist. After a moment he raised his eyes.

"If someone had told me a year ago that I would be getting married today, I'd have called them crazy."

Chase laughed.

"Yeah, we better get going before Gracie changes her mind."

With that they left and headed to the wedding venue, which was located on the beach. Arriving at the spot, they noticed that the guys were already there. They all wore color coordinated suits and were standing casually chatting with each other. The officiant soon joined them and they took her places at the wedding arch when Gracie alerted Derek that she was on the way.

A minute later the the girls came around the corner and Chase's eyes immediately zeroed in on Amelia. He gasped and quickly cleared his throat to mask the sound, as Derek gave him an odd look.

Amelia looked was ravishingly in that dress. It was tight in all the right places. She looked stunning and those flowers in her long hair made her look like she stepped out of a fairy tale, like a princess, his princess.

His gaze raked her from head to toe as she assisted Gracie with her bouquet and veil. When she moved the dress swayed with her, revealing a slit which went all the way up her thigh. It left her skin exposed and he imagined himself running his hands slowly up her leg.

She walked forward and took her place opposite him. She smiled and her chest lifted as she breathed in. The dress was cut low and he clearly saw the swells of the tops of her breasts, with a deep valley between. He thought of plunging his tongue there and licking them. He clenched his jaw to stop his wild thoughts. It took a lot of restraint not to grab her right this second and kiss her in front of everyone. He had to remind himself that this was Derek's day and not his.

The wedding march started playing and Gracie started walking towards them. Chase was momentarily distracted from his racing thoughts as he noticed the bride for the first time that day. She was absolutely beautiful. Her dress was simple and perfect. It looked like it was made especially for her.

Chase felt happiness wash over him as he saw the love on his brother's face, as the women he was about to marry came closer. Derek was not like Chase. He didn't know how to cope with life's difficulties. Chase only hoped that the happinesses Derek felt today would last for his entire lifetime with Gracie now by his side. He wanted nothing less for his little brother.

When the bride was close enough Derek clasped hands with her and the ceremony started. He couldn't help but focus on Amelia. The words of the officiant were a distant muffle as a small part of his mind wondered how she would look as a bride. What kind of wedding would she want? He wished he knew. He wanted to probe her mind and know everything about her; the things she liked, what she disliked, what brought her joy, what made her excited, and so much more. He hoped that time will allow him the chance to become someone important to her.

 He hoped that time will allow him the chance to become someone important to her

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Love - M.A 💕

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