68. Chase

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He was exhausted. He threw his coat on the sofa and plopped down beside it. Damn it! He'd forgotten to take off his shoes. All he really wanted was a hot shower and his bed. There was just something about today that was both mentally and physically draining. He didn't have the energy to move. He turned on the T.V and flipped mindlessly through the channels. He couldn't focus on anything. Nothing was of interest to him. He ended up switching between a show on the Food Network and the news. The news was all about ringing in the New Years with the famous ball drop in Times Square. Hundreds of people were already gathered, bundled up and waiting for midnight. They all looked so excited and Chase couldn't manage to feel even one spark of joy.

After sitting there for almost an hour, Chase reluctantly left his perch on the sofa and headed into the shower. The water was steaming hot to rid himself of the cold. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the shower walls, arms above his head for support. He remembered a time when he felt this tired. It was after Robin. This was the same feeling of dread and unhappiness which had tormented him for months.

He thought that he was different. He thought that he couldn't ever feel that way again. Mostly because he was older and wiser and had learned from that experience. However, his emotions were clearly the same. They did not learn. They were still at risk and still trying to figure out how to cope with loss. Granted Amelia didn't leave this world, but it was loss all the same. In actuality this kind of loss hurt just as much because she was choosing not to be in his life.

Images of Amelia flashed behind his closed eye lids. Amelia on the beach, the wind whipping her hair, Amelia in the water, wet pressed against his body, Amelia in bed, snuggled into him, Amelia in the shower, naked and slick...

He took a deep breath. This was dangerous. Every time he let himself remember her it hurt all over again. The pain always felt fresh, as if it had just happened. They said that time heals all wounds. But this wound needed more than time to mend. Chase was at a loss. He had given up. He didn't know what to do to make the pain go away and he was certainly was not drinking again. He searched his brain for ways that might distract him from the memories. If only he could sleep and shut down for just a few hours. But then again, even sleep wasn't safe. She was there in his dreams, smiling, laughing, compelling him to love her even more and more. Why was he still madly in love with a girl who didn't want him.

When she left Hawaii he was confident that they were on the same level and that they both wanted the same things. Where did it go wrong? He really wished he knew. That was the most annoying part of it all. He didn't know what went wrong with Amelia. Wherever she was and how ever she was, he hoped that she was happy. She deserves to be happy. He wished he could be the one to make her happy, but she didn't want him there.

He finished up his shower, put on a pair of sweat pants and went to bed. He scrolled through his phone, looking at random stuff online. After a few minutes, he decided that he'll try to get some sleep.

He put his phone away and closed his eyes. He must have dozed off, because he was startled awake by the deep vibration of his phone. Groggily he squinted at the screen.

It was Derek.

"Hello," he answered sleepily.

"Bro! Are you sleeping right now?"

Derek was speaking way too loud. He felt the beginnings of a headache.

"Yeah, what else would I be doing?" Chase asked sarcastically.

"You need to come out! You can't sleep through New Years."

"Who says? I'm sure I can do whatever the hell I want."

He felt very grumpy and there was no way he was getting dressed and leaving his warm bed.

"I cannot let you do that," Derek said matter of factly.

"I'm on my way to your place and I will use the spare key if I have to," he threatened.

Chase looked at the time. It was 10pm.

"Why are you coming here? Don't you have a wife to spend New Years with?"

"Yes and she's with me. We both agree that you've been hiding way too long."

Chase groaned menacingly.

"Derek, I don't want to go out. I'm fine. I will rejoin society when I see fit."

"Well, no time like the present. See you in five minutes."

Chase heard the unmistakable beep of the call ending. He stared at his phone in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair. He had known that it was only time before they started to show up. He preferred Derek to his mother. If it was her, she would never leave. She would spend days fussing over him. He didn't need that right now. He just wanted to be alone. Why couldn't anyone understand that?

With a heavy sigh, he got out of bed. He pulled on the first T-shirt he saw and muffled a deep yawn.

His doorbell was ringing. How are they here already? Did they call him when they were right outside his apartment? He dragged his feet wearily towards the door.

"Hi," Gracie greeted him cheerily.

"Sup bro?" Derek said, "thanks for opening the door. At least I didn't have to fish out the spare key."

"Just come in," Chase gestured and shut the door as they entered his apartment.

They were both dressed up. Derek was wearing a nice shirt and slacks and Gracie was wearing a sparkly green dress.

"Where are you guys headed?" He asked.

"Derek got reservations to a New Years Eve party at a rooftop restaurant," Gracie answered.

"Where at?"

"Manhattan and you're coming with us," Derek added.

"You want me to go all the way into the city?"

"Yes, it's the place to be. It's where all the actions at," Derek said.

Chase scowled.

"Please Chase," Gracie pleaded, "Come with us, it'll be fun. You haven't been anywhere in a while."

He couldn't say no to her. He guessed that's why Derek brought her. He was being played. He hated it. Why did his brother have to be so meddlesome?

"Fine," he said, "give me a few minutes to get dressed."

"Yay!" Gracie exclaimed.

"I knew you can't be mean to her," Derek said laughing.

"Yeah, I'll come, but don't expect me to have a good time, and I'm leaving as soon as it's over," Chase warned.

"No problem bro. Point is that you're coming."

Chase clenched his jaw and walked off to find some clothes. Damn! It was late and he was too tired for this. But, he supposed it was nice to know that he had people who cared enough to go out of their way, so that he wasn't alone.

 But, he supposed it was nice to know that he had people who cared enough to go out of their way, so that he wasn't alone

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What would you do in Chase's position? Would you party if you're heartbroken?

Please comment and let me know.

Xoxo - M.A❤️

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