80. Chase

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He was there. She lived in a nice quiet neighborhood in Queens. He passed many white picket fences and neatly manicured lawns on his way over. The front yards were littered with kids slides and swing sets. Potted plants decorated the front stairs and there was an abundance of leftover lawn ornaments and Christmas lights.

Hers was the only apartment building on the neat tree lined street. It was about ten stories high and though it was not a house, the facade fit right in with the rest of the structural architecture on the block.

It was only eight p.m and the entire area was eerily quiet. He didn't see anyone outside and not a car passed him as he drove silently, looking for somewhere to park.

It was very suburban. A little too suburban for his taste. Was this what she preferred?

He was a city boy at heart. The only reason he didn't get an apartment in Manhattan was because he thought it would be ridiculous to pay so much for so little. The rent he paid now would only get him a small studio apartment in the city. Therefore, he had opted to move to the outskirts of the city. It was the best of both worlds. He had an easy commute and the hustle and bustle of the city was just an arm's throw away.

However, seeing where Amelia lived, he was starting to get images of a quaint house, surrounded by neat flower beds and huge driveways. Perhaps it might even come equipped with a swimming pool and a garage.

He could live this life, if she wanted. He was ready. He was getting on in years. It was time to settle down. He hoped that was why she called him over. He kept a figurative finger crossed in hopes of good news.

He parked his car on a side street and walked towards her building. She was on the tenth floor. He texted that he was here so that she could let him up.

Ringing her doorbell, he fidgeted and urged himself to stay calm. Somehow he felt like this was a crucial moment in their relationship. A lot of his future was riding on her decision. Not that he would break up with her if she didn't want to live with him, but he was really hoping that she wanted the same thing as he did, when it came to their future. It wasn't everyday that you found your soul mate. Now that he had, there was nothing that would keep him away from her. But at the same time, he didn't want to be too pushy. She needed to come to these realizations on her own.

He sighed, relationships were so tricky. Ninety nine percent of the time you think you are doing what's best, only to find out that the other person doesn't feel that way. He prayed to God that this wasn't the case with him and Lia.

She opened the door with a huge smile. She looked so breathtakingly beautiful. The absence of not seeing her all these days caused him to let out a huge breath of pent of air. She literally took his breath away. He smiled.

"Hi," he said. He felt a little like a teenager on his first date.

"Come on in," She replied.

He stepped into her apartment and his arm instantly went around her waist, pulling her in for a kiss. He melted his lips to hers and as his body relished the feeling of kissing her, he felt like all was right with him again. He had missed her so much this past week.

She kissed him back with just as much energy and before he knew it, the kiss was turning into something else entirely. His hands roamed the length of her. Her hands were entangled in his hair, with just the right pressure to ignite the fire in his blood that was always burning for her. His tongue swept over hers and she made a soft sound. She tasted sweet and all the wicked things he thought of doing to her while he lay sleepless at night, came rushing back in a series of flashing images behind his closed eyes.

How could she make him this hot this quick? It was absolutely insane. He should stop now before he took her against the wall. It wouldn't be very nice of him to act like an animal the first time she invited him over. He eased the kiss and pulled back slightly. She blinked and took a deep gulp of air. He did the same and they both giggled like love sick kids.

"Wow," she said, brushing her hair aside.

"This was quite the welcome," he teased.

She made a little pout, "I missed you."

His heart melted. Why did she have to be this cute?

"I missed you too baby."

"Good, I made you dinner."

She took his hand and led him  further inside her place.

"Do you want a tour of the apartment or are you ready to eat?"

"I'm starving. Eat now, tour later?" He asked.


She pointed him in the direction of a beautifully set dining table. There were flowers, candles, matching plates and heart shaped napkins. He was amazed. She really didn't have to do all this.

"Oh my! This is really beautiful."

She blushed, "Thank you. Let me get the food."

"Do you need help?" He called out as she darted into what he assumed was her kitchen.

"No, I've got it."

She emerged bearding a ceramic dish with veggies, then went back into the kitchen two more times to retrieve two more dishes.

"This looks amazing," he said as she sat across from him.

"Dig in."

"You never said that you're such a great cook," he complimented her after taking a couple bites.

"Well I wouldn't call myself great, but I can survive."

"Don't be modest Li. This is really good. Every time I make salmon, it's always dry. How did you manage to keep it so moist?"

She laughed, "I have no idea. Beginners luck, I guess."

He raised one eyebrow in question and stared at her.

"Honestly, I've never made salmon before."

"You're kidding!"


"Well this is a job well done."

"Wait till you see what's for dessert."

"You made dessert?"

"Yes. And I didn't take any short cuts. I followed the entire recipe."

"Are we celebrating something baby?"

She paused in her eating, "we are."

"Go on," he prompted.

She set her fork down, wiped the sides of her mouth and took a deep breath.

"Well, I considered your proposal carefully and I've decided that I would like to accept."

"Really? You'll move in with me?"

He couldn't believe his ears. His face was frozen in a wide grin.


He stood up and pushed his chair back. He went to her side of the table and pulled her to her feet. Chase tilted her face towards his and kissed her passionately.

 Chase tilted her face towards his and kissed her passionately

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Hello everyone,

Please excuse any typos. Sometimes I tend to write without my glasses 🤓 lol.

Hope this was a fun read.

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Thank you. ❤️❤️❤️

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