47. Amelia

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She found him. He was sitting alone, still as a statue. She watched him for a couple minutes before she approached carefully. She'd followed him all the way from the wedding reception. He didn't turn around once. She felt that he had left her behind. It wasn't a good feeling. Panic was starting to set in. She needed to remind herself to focus on the task ahead and to not get carried away thinking the worst.

He kept on walking swiftly, as if he had a definite purpose. Finally he stopped abruptly at the water. The way he halted indicted that he was surprised to find himself there.

She watched as he hung his head in defeat or disappointment? She tried to study his movements. His body language hinted at some kind of inner disturbance. Was he mad or sad? She couldn't tell from this distance.

Amelia felt a huge pit of fear in her stomach. Did Chase believe Brian? Was that why he walked off without saying a word to her? She was hurt by that. He hardly glanced at her after the whole ordeal, and then he just left. Her heart constricted in pain at the memory of that moment. She thought that they had established certain feelings between them, where he would be on her side always. Was she wrong?

She didn't know how Chase could believe that jerk. She was with him and was focused on him all day. She felt that she shouldn't have to prove herself to him. She was not guilty. Yet, she wanted to talk to him. She had to know why he just left her back there. She didn't like loose ends. If this thing between them was over, she needed a proper explanation before she moved on.

She felt a shooting pain in her chest at the thought that their chances of being together were over so soon. She thought that Chase was amazing in every way. She was excited and extremely happy that she'd found him. But now, maybe it wasn't meant to be. Her eyes filled with tears. She inhaled deeply, sniffed and lifted her head high. If she was going to talk to him, she was not going to let him see how much this affected her. She was strong. She could hide her emotions very well.

She made a mental plan. She was going to approach, but will hold off on asking any questions until she could determine his mood. If he was mad at her and being unreasonable, then she was going to leave him alone. He looked like that was what he wanted anyway.

She hesitated in her effort to close the gap between them. She was afraid and she didn't know what to say. She moved closer and her footsteps made a churning sound as she stepped on sand and seashells.

She saw him turn his head slightly to the side. He heard her. He raised himself to a standing position and turned to face her. His expression was surprised, like he was expecting her to be someone else. She saw him swallow and noticed that the cut on his cheek was bleeding. She felt her hand twitch in an automatic response to reach out and soothe the area. She stopped herself just in time. She gripped the folds of her dress to prevent her hand from doing that again.

She took a few steps closer to him. Now there was only about a foot of space separating them. He stood quietly, not moving or saying anything.

She didn't know if she should do this. A million cells in her brain screamed turn around! He's dangerous! She was conflicted as to what she should do.

Was that who he really was? Was this going to be another Jack situation? That was something she wanted no part of ever again in her life. She had to know if he was like that or not.

The sun was lowering on the western horizon. The wind swirled her long dress around her ankles as she stood there. Her hair whipped around her face wildly. It was like Mother Nature was matching the inner turmoil of her emotions. She waited.

After what felt like an eternity, but in reality was less than a minute, he spoke.


His voice trembled. She saw him wince at the sound. He closed the gap between them and now she was looking up at his handsome, but troubled face.

"Baby, I'm so sorry."

He touched her fingers lightly and his eyes searched hers as he waited for her to say something. Her fingers responded and hooked his. He grasped her hand gently. His eyes bore into her and she saw regret reflected in them.

"Are you ok?" She asked softly.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Your cheek..." she pointed.

"It's nothing. I'm sorry I took off. I..."

She waited for him to say more.

He took a step forward and wrapped his warm hands around her, drawing her into his body for a hug. He buried his head in the side of her neck and sighed deeply.

Her body was rigid and unwilling to respond to his act of compassion. She wasn't going to let her guard down.

"I shouldn't have left the way I did. I needed to clam down before I could face you."


He must have felt the way she held herself and he released her. He searched her face for answers and she avoided his eyes. She didn't want him to know that she was scared of him. She didn't want him to see fear in her eyes.

He used a finger to lift her chin up. She was forced to look at him.

"Amelia, talk to me."

She didn't say anything. She dropped her eyes and took a step back, adding space between them. The wind rushed through their parted bodies, creating an invisible barrier.

When she glanced at his face again, his expression was hurt. His forehead was ceased in worry.

"Lia..." he stepped closer.

"Please don't come any closer," She managed to say.

"I'm not like that, I swear. Baby, I would never hurt you. You need to know that!"

His voice was pleading with her to believe him.

"Chase, I don't know," she said in a small voice.

"The only reason why I lost control was because you were in danger. I didn't think twice about what I was doing. I only wanted you to be safe Li."

He ran his hands through his hair in frustration, while he waited for her to say something.

"The way you hit him scared me. What if we had a fight and you..."

"No! Never!" He exclaimed.

"I think it could happen."

"Lia, don't think, just feel."

He came closer.

"Feel the way I am when I'm with you."

He cupped her face in his large hands.

"Feel the way I kiss you."

His lips brushed hers softly, until she gave in and kissed him back. He coaxed her mouth open and dipped inside for a taste. He kissed her slowly, drawing out every single movement of his lips on hers.

When he finally broke the kiss, they were both breathless. He rested his forehead against hers and she closed her eyes, savoring the moment.

In a whisper he said, "feel the way I love you."


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