26. Chase

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He felt a rush of excitement as he got closer to Amelia. He couldn't wait to hear her voice, or hold her hand, maybe even kiss her again. Maybe? Who was he kidding? He was definitely going to kiss her again. She felt so good in his arms. It was like she was the perfect size for him.

Even though they were in a crowded space, it was like he could feel her presence in the room. There was something about her that was pulling him in her direction, almost like a large magnet.

They approached the girls and Derek immediately swept Gracie up in an affectionate embrace that ended with a passionate kiss.

Chase looked away and found Amelia. She smiled her dazzling smile and he moved towards her. He sat down and she arranged herself so that she was facing him. She swept some hair off her face and stuck it behind her ear. She was nervous, he could tell.

"Hi," he said. Some of the hair escaped from where she'd placed it and he automatically reached out and tucked it back into place. She blushed and he had to stop himself from pulling her even closer to him.

"Hey...so you guys weren't having a good time?" She sounded a little curious.

"The others were, we left them there. Derek and I weren't into it."

"Oh, how come?"

Was she really asking that question? This poor girl really didn't know what she was doing to him. Guess I can tell her, he thought. And with that he scooted closer to her. The music was very loud and It was kind of hard to have a conversation if you were far apart. Closer was much better for talking and that's exactly where he wanted to be.

He placed an arm on the back of the seat and his mouth close to her ear. In an obvious tone he said, "Lia, you really have to ask me that?"

"Umm yes, one can never be too be sure."

He chuckled and she peeked up at him. He took one of her hands in his and enter-twined their fingers, resting it on his leg. Her hands were soft and delicate.

"Li, I like you. I was thinking of you all night."

"What about?" She asked innocently.

"Kissing you, the time we spent today"

She let out a breath, "Oh, anything else?"

He sighed. "Baby, do you know what you do to me?"

"Care to tell me?"

She shifted a bit and this caused her thighs to rub against his. He gritted his teeth to control the rush of blood to a certain area.

"Amelia you make me want things."

"Like?" She looked up into his eyes.

"Like you. Making you smile, giving you all my time."

"All of it?"


"But why?"

"Why? Because no one has ever made me feel this way."

"And what way is that?"

She was full of questions tonight. No worries, he was going to answer all of them to please her. He wanted her to be sure of him before this went any further.

"Like I'm living in a dream, almost as if you're not real, because how could I be so lucky to find you?"

She bit her bottom lip and he could see that she was turning over his words in her mind. He let go of her hand and gently turned her chin towards him.

"Lia, you know it's the truth, the way we met, it's unbelievable. Things like this just don't happen."

"I know."

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