54. Chase

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Her lips were on his and she was expertly making him feel like nothing in the world existed but him and her, right here, right now. He needed this for the rest of his life. She made him whole, made him feel that he was meant to be something great. How did one girl change his whole outlook of himself?

Before her he was lost. He'd come to understand that now. He was like a lone ship adrift at sea. Tossing and twisting as the massive waves of life's problems tried to drown and destroy him. He was dangerously riding the highs and lows that were thrown his way. There wasn't another person by his side to help weather the storm of his feelings.

He was barely holding onto anything before he met her. She turned all that around for him. The minute he set eyes on her, something connected. She was the anchor he needed to ground him. She was the force of love that was strong enough to stop the turmoil of his emotions. She gave him back his reason to continue living. He fond absolute joy in simply being next to her. He looked forward to every touch, every kiss, and every word that they exchanged.

Smiling down at her, he asked her to always kiss him this way. He meant every word and he hoped she could feel how much he needed her. She smiled and his heart swelled to a point of busting with contentment and love.

She was amazing and so far, she was his. He could never want for anything else as long as he had her.

He got her ready with the snorkeling gear and then they both headed towards the water. He didn't let go of her hand. He found comfort in touching her. Plus he wanted to guide her through this experience. It was the beginning of their forever, and he wanted to show her the world.

They waded together in the crystal clear water. The clarity was unbelievable. You could see the bottom from this angle.

They walked further out and when the water was at chest level, they both allowed their feet to lift off the ground.

Chase relaxed his muscles and allowed the water to take hold of his weightless body. Still holding her hand he gave her a signal and they both went under in one swift movement.

They were immediately transported to a different world. This underwater universe was teeming with life in all forms. There were plants, coral, fish, and so much more. And the colors! What a stark contrast to the world above.

He squeezed her hand and pointed out a sea turtle making its way past them. Its green shell was marked with many layers of algae and other remnants of life. The turtle twisted its neck to glance at them, almost as if it were questioning their presence in its domain.

They swam slowly and marveled at the different schools of fish that raced past them. First there was a set of black and yellow fish, then another set of black and white striped fish. There were even leopards sharks. They were mostly lounging on the seabed.

After a few minutes of exploring he gave her another signal and they both started to swim upwards. Breaking the surface, he removed his mask and took a deep breath.

She had also removed her mask. She looked like a beautiful mermaid with her long dark hair trailing behind her in the water and the sun glistening off her wet skin.

"So what do you think?" He asked her.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"So you enjoyed it?"

"Enjoyed it? I want to do it again!"

She laughed excitedly and he couldn't help but get caught up in her exhilaration.

"So does this change your outlook about taking adventures?"

"Not quite, but so far adventures aren't that bad as long as I'm with you."

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