78. Chase

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2016 was shaping up to be a wonderful year. Chase could feel it in his bones. Every cell in his body was happy and it was all because of Amelia. She was back in his life and he finally felt at ease. He was in very much in love with her and there was still hope for him. His life was taking a good turn after many years of desolate nothingness.

It was Wednesday and the week was dragging on at a snail's pace. This felt like the longest week of his entire life. It was mostly because he hadn't seen her since he dropped her off on Sunday. He wanted to rush over to her place everyday when he got off work. But as much as he wanted to, he was not going to do that. He would give her space. She needed to make an important decision and he wanted to give her the time to make it. If he was constantly there with her, she might be coerced into saying yes, then later realize it wasn't what she wanted. He would calmly stay the distance, unless she told him differently.

If she did say yes, then he wanted her to be two hundred percent sure that this was what she wanted. The way he saw it, there was no turning back. He didn't want her to change her mind, to second guess herself or be confused. He would give her no reason to leave him and he vowed to treat her perfectly. She was his forever. She was the only forever he wanted.

On the other hand, he was craving her like an addict. He suspected that he was suffering from symptoms of withdrawal. They called each other and texted all day long. However, it was not enough for him. He wanted to touch her, kiss her and physically be with her every waking moment. He had very vivid dreams of her and all the dirty things he wanted to do were playing on repeat in his mind. He was restless most of the night. He even found himself calling her in the wee hours. The sound of her voice was the only thing calming to his mind. He often fell asleep listening to her talk, and then she would politely disconnect the call. It was a sort of routine. Chase couldn't help but think that if they lived together, he wouldn't have to endure this torture. How easy life would be with her by his side.

By Friday he was seeing her everywhere he went. There she was on the train, at Starbucks, in the grocery story, absolutely everywhere. He was now completely used to the familiar leap of his heart in anticipation that it really was her. He'd also gotten used to the disappointment when it wasn't. It was wishful thinking to casually run into her on the streets of Manhattan. If only he were that lucky.

He had worked himself up longing for her. His entire body was tense and he could find no reprieve all week. He needed a good physical workout. It was for that reason that he decided to hit the gym after work. Tomorrow was Saturday and he had no plans, therefore he could push himself to the limit.

He decided to undertake a very rigid workout to exhaust himself. Also it was to distract him from wanting her so damn much. His need was so strong that It physically hurt.

He completed a few sets, with music blasting loudly in his ears. Before he knew it three hours had passed. He finally decided to stop and go home, when the burn in his muscles made him feel bone-tired.

Although he was reluctant to go home, he decided it was his best option right now. He didn't relish the idea of being alone. His place suddenly felt empty without her. Since she'd stepped in his apartment, he kept seeing her as she was, even though she wasn't there. He saw her sitting at his breakfast table, perched on his sofa, laying in his bed, wearing his clothes, or wearing nothing at all. He felt the familiar stirrings of desire and he quickly changed his train of thought.

He mentally gave himself a shake to rid his mind of those provocative images of her. As he got in his car, he heard the familiar beep of his phone. The notification showed her name with a small red heart next to it.

He read the message as he got into the driver's seat. She was asking if he was busy. He was never busy for her. He would make himself available any day, any time for Amelia. He told her exactly that. Her response came instantly.

"Wanna see me?" She asked.

Hell yes he wanted to see her. It was the thing he'd been wishing for all week long. She asked him to come over to her place. It was then that he realized that he was sweaty and that he smelled. He was in position to see her in his present state. He started mentally analyzing how long it would take to go home, shower, get dressed and then rush over to her place. It would take him an extra hour, but it had to be done. There was no other option. He stank.

They made plans for later that evening. She was cooking and instructed him not to eat anything before he came. He didn't even know that she could cook. She was being mysterious and he knew that she was planning some kind of surprise. He couldn't wait to find out what it was. He hoped it was to reveal her decision, but he didn't want to get his hopes up. He was just too eager for them to get started on their lives together.

They made plans to meet later that evening and he drove home in a rush. It was a wonder that he didn't get pulled over for speeding. He tried to stay within the speed limit, but he might have gone over a few times.

As he showered and dressed, his heart was beating wildly at every step of the way. The anticipation of being with her was driving him crazy. It was amazing that she could do this to him.

It would appear that his workout did nothing to calm him down. He was as tense as ever. He knew he would only relax once he had her in his arms. It was his only goal right now and he moved as quickly as he could to get to her.

 It was his only goal right now and he moved as quickly as he could to get to her

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Hello Everyone,

Here is another chapter for your enjoyment. How do you feel about Chase? Is he the sort of man you often dream of? Or is he too good to be true?

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