12. Chase

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As they walked uphill Chase couldn't help but think of how beautiful this girl beside him was. He was absolutely mesmerized by her every movement. He even got her phone number. Taking that picture was very clever and he was glad he'd thought of it. She made him feel relaxed and content simply by being next to her. Plus, he could look at her when this day was over. They looked great together.

He hadn't felt this way about anyone in a long time. At twenty five, newly out of college, he was prepared to be a husband. Just after graduation he had proposed to Robin. They had met freshman year in the library and had hit it off straight from the beginning. Robin and him had many common interests and he knew early on that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He was that kind of guy, a true romantic at heart.

He brought a ring a week before they left school, diamond solitaire emerald cut, in a white gold setting. At their graduation party, he got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife in front of all their family and friends. She'd said yes! In that moment he was the happiest man on earth. He knew that she would say yes, they were crazy about each other.

They spent the next year travelling the world while making wedding plans. Their wedding was going to be the following fall. Robin loved fall and always wanted a fall wedding. He wanted to give her everything she desired.

They spent months discussing even single wedding detail. Robin wanted him to be equally involved in everything. It was his wedding too, she kept reminding him when she asked his opinion on table settings and flower types.

Everything was set for October twenty third; the venue, caterers, flowers, her dress, his tux, the guest list, everything. Then one day Robin woke up and she felt dizzy. She tried to get out of bed and upon standing she fainted right in his arms.

A couple doctor visits and many tests later identified a brain tumor that was inoperable because of its size and position. There was nothing that can be done. It was certain that he would loose her and lose her very soon. He was devastated.

At first he couldn't understand what was happening or how it was happening. He felt like he was living someone else's life. Or like he was watching a movie, where he saw the events played out right before his eyes.

He spent a couple days hoping that something would change and that things would be back to normal. Maybe the doctors were wrong. That's possible, wasn't it? Or maybe they could find a doctor who might relish the challenge of tackling a tumor of this caliber.

Sadly, none of that happened and Robin got sicker with the toll it was taking on her body. Soon she was confined to a bed. He couldn't believe that his brave, courageous girl couldn't even take one step without feeling weak and nauseous. She depended on his for everything.

It killed him to see her in that condition. How was he going to survive without her? She was everything to him and he didn't know how to exist without her right beside him. In the four years he'd known her they did everything together. It was like she was an extension of his body and soul.

He spent numerous days being angry at God. How could God do this? How could he take Robin away? She was a good person and he always thought that bad things don't happen to good people. She didn't deserve this. She deserved a chance at life and a chance at happiness with him.

After a while, Chase was forced to accept that there was nothing him or anyone could do. He knew that the end of their relationship was inevitable, but he swore that his love for her would live on until the day he took his last breadth. He wasn't ever going to love this way again.

In the fall of 2011 he lost the woman that was going to be his wife. She was gone one week before the day that was supposed to be their wedding. The guest list showed up for her funeral and his parents had to cancel everything else. He couldn't bring himself to do it. He was hardly functioning as a person.

Truth be told, he didn't remember much of that day. He spent most of it in a fog trying not to dwell on the fact that he would never kiss her again, or hold her in his arms, or see her smile. He vaguely remembered people hugging him and giving their sympathies. With a heavy heart, he prayed that the day would be over fast and he wished he was dead too.

After everything was over, he spent the next couple weeks in a drunken stupor. Mostly because when he was drunk he could still see her and talk to her before the exhaustion hit. The images of her in his head were so real. He would spend days sleeping off his hangovers. Then one day while he was heading to the nearest bar a little girl ran up to him and offered to sell him some girl scouts cookies. She was about seven or eight and accompanied by her father.

He remembered that Robin had wanted kids soon after they were married. They had already picked out names, one for a girl and one for a boy. He instantly felt ashamed of how he'd being living. She would not have wanted this for him, for him to be a drunk and waste this gift that was life. She would have wanted him to be a better person.

He bought the cookies, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Robin's favorite. He ate them on his way back home and vowed to improve his life and live everyday like it was an adventure. He would live for Robin and do all the things she wanted to do. He was going to survive this for her, for their love.

He was now thirty four, eight years had passed since it all happened. In all that time he met many girls, but none of them made him feel anything close to what he felt for Robin.

Amelia was the only exception. She was special. He was not going to let her walk away from him, without first trying to see if love was possible for him again.

 He was not going to let her walk away from him, without first trying to see if love was possible for him again

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