77. Amelia

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On January 3rd, 2016 Amelia returned to her apartment. When she entered, she looked around and the first thing that came to her mind was, this place feels so unfamiliar to me. She had lived here a long time, yet just a few days with Chase made her place feel foreign and empty. Clearly her connection to him was stronger than the connection she had with the place she called home.

She had spend the past two days at his place. She hadn't missed her place at all. Imagine that. Chase's apartment was starting to feel like home. She pondered that for a moment. She knew she was leaning more and more towards saying yes to living with him. She just had one small concern. She needed to know that she was safe, that she could handle her own affairs, if it didn't work out in the end. She really hoped it didn't come to that, but one can never be too sure when it comes to these things. Anything is quite possible. She knew that from experience.

It was true that she was madly in love with him. Thoughts of him constantly filled her brain. She found absolute joy being with him. Making up with him was the best decision she'd made since she left him in Hawaii. Amelia hadn't realized how vital he was to her happiness, until she was back in his arms. She felt safe. She felt loved. It was a place that she always wanted to be.

She was so glad he listened to her reasons for shunning him. He was patient, even thought she could see the hurt and anger that was simmering underneath his calm composure. He kept it together long enough to give her a chance to tell him what happened.

Amelia hated confrontation. She had never planned on speaking to him again. Luckily Gracie and Derek said the right things to make her believe she had made a huge mistake. And they were right. He wasn't the guy social media made him out to be. He was the complete opposite. Amelia was glad of that. She hadn't been wrong in her initial assessment of him. She shouldn't have let one picture change her whole opinion. She should have been wiser, smarter, or even asked him about it. It would have saved both of them months of heart break and agony.

She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have patched things up between them. He could have easily told her off and be on his way. But he didn't do that. Instead, he took the first opportunity to get close to her, to hold her hand and kiss her. And what a kiss it had been! It was like her body was finally awakening after a long snd deep slumber. She could still feel it when she closed her eyes.

She smiled at the memory. One of her hands absentmindedly reached up to touch a spot he'd gently caught between his teeth. The memory of it heated her cheeks. Everything just felt so good with him.

Being this crazy in love was like walking on water. Everything was beautiful and wonderful. Her heart was content. She felt like this was where she was longing to be all her life. He was her future. He was what she'd always dreamed of.

There was just one tiny thing. A small part of her was scared. It was something she was pushing to the back of her mind. It felt great to be in love, but what scared her was giving in and letting all her barriers down. She couldn't hold any part of herself back. She would have to trust him and trust their relationship completely if she was going to live with him.

She sighed. That would require some work on her part. She didn't know how to go about it. It was a long time since she trusted anyone on that level. Also, past experiences had taught her to always protect herself. Breaking down her barriers would leave her exposed and vulnerable.

She walked around her place and looked at all her stuff. What would she do with them if they lived together? Maybe sell some? Or give it away? They would have to consolidate.

She headed into her bedroom and started getting undressed. She came home wearing Chase's t-shirt and sweat pants. She loved being in his clothes. They were huge on her, but they kept her warm and she loved that they smelled like him. It was like he was right here with her.

She contemplated the big decision ahead of her. Wouldn't it be nice to fall asleep with him every night? They would come home together and make dinner together. It sounded like the perfect world.

At least ninety percent of her brain was in agreement with moving in with him. The other ten percent was leaving room for doubt. But what was there to doubt? She started to deeply analyze the decision. Was he a good person? Yes. Did he ever treated her badly? No. Did she think that he was genuine? Yes. Did she really want him? Definitely yes. She knew he cared for her and that he would keep her safe.

That's it. She would move in with him. Anything else wouldn't make a bit of sense. This was the way it should be. She was being given a golden chance. There was no way she wanted to miss this opportunity. The worst that can happen is that they both fall out of love with each other and broke up. And if that were to happen, then Amelia would cherish the memories they had together. Why waste one moment apart, when they could spend many more moments together?

She walked into her bathroom and glanced at her reflection. She saw a very determined person looking back at her. She decided to tell him yes. She would do it the next time they saw each other. She should make it special. She would think of something. She felt happy with her decision. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she told him.

He would be pleased. Suddenly she realized that making him happy was important to her. She felt like an idiot for ever causing him to feel sad. She hoped to never do it again. He was a wonderful person and he deserved to be truly happy. Life hadn't been fair to him and she didn't want to add to that. She promised herself that she would be the one to give him all the happiness he ever missed out on. Living together was a great way for them to start their life together.

 Living together was a great way for them to start their life together

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Hope this chapter wasn't too boring. Do enjoy.

Xoxo - MA❤️❤️

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