28. Chase

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Chase could not believe what just happened, or rather what he just did. A part of him felt slightly ashamed at his forwardness with Amelia. But there was no denying that they were both attracted to each other on some level beyond human comprehension. He never wanted anything as badly as he wanted Amelia.

It seemed like he lost time when he was with her. One moment he was dancing with her and the next he was inside her. Well not him, just one small part of him. Things sure escalated quickly. If this was happening to someone else and they told him about it, he would call them crazy for making these same choices, that would eventually land him in her bed.

But damn! She felt incredibly good. As he quietly held her while she came down from the high she just experienced, he couldn't stop thinking of just how good. She was soft and warm and silky. When her muscles contracted he marveled at the strength with which she held him inside her. She was amazing. And the sounds she made! Dear God, she was going to kill him if she moaned his name like that every time he touched her.

She sighed contentedly.

"You ok?" He asked as he absently rubbed her back.

Her head was against his chest and her arms were wrapped around his waist. Her knees were still parted and rested against his sides. He had already put her clothes back in order and was just waiting for her to signal that she was fine before he took her off the ledge.


He sensed that she was feeling a little self conscious.

"Baby, look at me."

He lifted her head up by using a finger under her chin. She avoided meeting his eyes.

"Tell me what you're thinking."


She cleared her throat and tried to get down, but he held her in place. She was not going to run away from him. His tight grip caused her to look up at his him. She looked uneasy. He gave her time to continue.

"I think I liked that a little too much."

He laughed, "That's what bothering you?"

"It's not bothering me, it's just...I'm a little surprised at myself and I didn't want you to think this is something I do often."

"I see. I don't think that at all. If it makes you feel better, it's not something I do often either."


He sighed then said in a soft tone, "Li, I want you to know that I'm not the kind of person to judge you for your actions or your past. So please don't ever be scared of talking to me. Ok?"


He took her down and she gripped his arms to steady herself.

"I love the way you feel in my arms."



"What else do you love?" She asked.

"The way you moan my name."

"Hmm, what else?" She shifted closer to him.

He almost said you, but caught himself just in time.

"I love the way you react when I do this."

And he kissed her softly. She reached up on tip toes to drink him in and he almost got lost in her again. She was intoxicating.

"We should go," he told her.

"Yeah, it's probably late," she admitted.

She quickly texted Gracie to check if they had already left. They had.

He held her hand as they left the club and hailed a cab. On the ride back to the hotel she cuddled up next to him in the backseat of the car, resting her head on his shoulders with her eyes closed. He held her quietly, savoring the feeling of this wonderful woman who was changing his life.

At around midnight, he dropped Amelia off at her room for the second time in twenty four hours. As he walked away his mind was filled with many troubling questions. He needed to sort them out and fast. He already knew that he wanted Lia in a way that was causing him to question his morals.

He'd almost ripped her tiny skirt off and took her right there on that balcony earlier. He checked himself just in time as his hands were traveling up her legs beneath the skirt. She wasn't putting up any resistance with the way she kissed him back, moaning and biting his lip. The way she reacted to his touch made it too easy for him. She was like wildfire, once ignited she took off uncontrollably, no stopping until burn out.

She was going to be his. He knew that for a fact. First he needed to make sure this was what he really wanted, because if he slept with her he knew there was no going back. He would want her for the rest of his life. He wasn't sure if that's something she wanted; but it didn't matter. Also, there was someone he needed to speak to before he made this decision.

He headed straight to his room for a quick change of clothes. Once he was dressed casually, he chose a t-shirt, sweatpants and a hoodie, he left Derek asleep and set out for a walk on the beach to organize his thoughts.

The temperature was warm, but he knew the sea breeze would be cold when he was standing near to the ocean. He liked the ocean and always found the sound of the crashing waves oddly calming. He desperately needed to calm his mind right now.

One he arrived there, he stood staring out into the distance for a while. There were some twinkling lights far out, maybe belonging to ships. With his hands in his pockets, he took several deep breaths of fresh air and wondered what was on the other side of the water starting back at him. He remembered a time when he wasn't so analytical of his every action. That was before life taught him a harsh lesson; that in one second you could loose everything you thought was meant to be yours.

Taking a deep breath of cold air he said out loud, "hi Robin, it's been a while."

He didn't expect an answer. Of course that would be ridiculous, but he waited anyway out of respect. He felt a small piercing pain in his heart at the silence he knew was inevitable after he said her name out loud.

After several moments had passed he continued, "I've met an amazing girl."

He paused to let that sink in just in case she was indeed listening.

"I say amazing because for the first time in eight years, I feel alive. Ever since you left..."

He stopped and breathed. Remembering that day was never going to get easy.

"Ever since you left I've felt that you took me with you. My body was here, but my heart and soul followed you."

"Amelia...she made me feel things that I never knew were possible. I feel like we were destined to meet. I'm asking you to please understand that I'll always love you, but I need to know if Amelia was the reason God left me here, while he took you away. I need to know if anyone will ever love me like you did."

"Please don't hate me. You will always be in my heart."

He bowed his head for a few minutes in a solemn goodbye, then walked slowly away.

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Much love ❤️ - Mera Ash

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